Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Leaf it to this veggie to get you healthy. Tis the season for kale. From the middle of winter to the beginning of spring, there’s a bounty of this leafy green vegetable that has a sweet taste. Kale is part of the Brassica family, which also includes cabbage, collards and…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Come on baby, light my fiber! The benefits of fiber are far reaching. Fiber is probably one of those buzzwords you have heard a million times, but you really don’t know what it is, where it comes from and why it matters to you. Dietary fiber, also known as roughage,…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
We bet you didn’t know it was National Sleep Awareness Week. According to the National Sleep Foundation, this year’s focus is on “springing forward,” the process of losing that precious hour of sleep for Daylight Savings Time. The amount of rest you get is directly related to how you perform…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Listen up, carboholics! There’s life beyond pasta and bread…and it could mean the difference between losing and gaining. Many people don’t realize the importance of protein. However, protein is responsible for giving the metabolism a bigger boost than either carbs or fats. Consuming proteins like fish, chicken, eggs, milk, cheese…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Summer is a great time to eat al fresco, whether you’re grilling or having a potluck — or both. But besides the bugs, be sure you don’t invite some other unwanted critters to your meal. We’re talking about bacteria that can make you and your fellow picnicgoers sick. Bringing food…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
When it comes to spicing up your food, you don’t always need to rely on salt, sugar and other unhealthy ingredients to kick your dishes up a notch. There are plenty of health-enhancing herbs and spices that do the job. Not only do they offer palate-pleasing flavors, but they also…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
It can be hard to find the time to exercise. The motivation to exercise may be even harder to find when you’re busy and exhausted from lack of sleep. But without activity, your body, mind and spirit will suffer. There are simple ways to incorporate exercise into your busy schedule,…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Come mealtime, you can’t lose by going green. We’re talking about stocking up on green fruits and vegetables that are chock-full of vitamins and nutrients. Getting your fill of those leafy greens is a good place to start. Leafy vegetables fit well with any healthy meal plan because they’re low…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Emotional eating can wreak havoc on even the most determined dieter. It’s a way to suppress or soothe negative feelings like boredom, grief, fear and anger. Triggers may include unemployment, financial stressors, relationship strain, health problems or simply fatigue. Our first reaction when anxiety rears its ugly head is to…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Opt for egg whites. For decades, eggs had a bad rap for raising cholesterol. However, experts have back-pedaled over the last few years claiming there is no link between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol, which essentially lets the egg off the hook. Despite these findings, debate still lingers. The American…
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