Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Detox diets seem to be all the rage in the diet and celebrity worlds. But many of them are dangerously low in calories, incorporate suspect supplements or are simply too expensive. A detox diet is too low in calories to maintain for an extended period of time, but it can…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
When you attend a theme park or a ball game, it’s easy to fall prey to concession stands offering hot dogs, sodas, cheese nachos and other high-calorie favorites. Instead of buying into fattening fare, pack your own cooler. Bring along bottled water, cold cuts, fresh fruit, pretzels and other convenient…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Most of us know what foods to choose – and which to avoid – when trying to lose weight. But the average American gets one-fifth of his or her calories from drinks, so it pays to take a look at the liquid refreshment you choose. It’s especially important to stay…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Make stretching a mandatory part of every workout. When muscles perform any exercise, they tighten and shorten as a result. Stretching can help maximize your range of motion. A simple warm-up walk while moving your arms in a circular motion is sufficient. When doing strength training, you could stretch each…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Frozen entrees have come a long way from the tasteless TV dinners of the 1960s. They’re not just shapeless blocks of frost-covered foodstuffs anymore. There’s a size, taste and cuisine for every discriminating palate and diet. Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, Healthy Choice and other brands are a dream for busy…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Today is Earth Day, and it’s a time to focus on all things green. Making just a small change or two, like investing in reusable grocery bags or replacing light bulbs with more energy-efficient ones certainly helps the Earth. But this year, why not help yourself, too? Instead of buying…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Short on cash and wanting to do a workout at home? No time to hit the gym? No problem. You can be the chair-man of your own fitness program by simply having a seat. Find a sturdy, four-legged chair, and you can complete many muscle-toning moves without leaving the house….
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Fancy creams, half-and-half and sugar are quick ways to run up a high-calorie tally. Two tablespoons of Coffee-Mate Half and Half will cost you 40 calories and 3.5 grams of fat. Three teaspoons of sugar have 42 calories and 12.6 grams of sugar. And how about those extras at your…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
A bowl of cereal can be a great way to start the day. However, not all cereals are created equally. Some cereals are so loaded with sugar that they are bowls of candy in disguise. The more a box of cereal resembles a box of cookies or candy, the less…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Just for the record, most diet and fitness experts can’t say enough about the benefits of journaling when trying to lose weight. After all, what better way to keep track of your successes and failures than by logging it all? It’s a tool that comes in handy when you’re recording…
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