Strengthen Muscles In Your Face

Strengthen Muscles In Your Face

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

The benefits of putting on a happy face will give you plenty of reasons to smile. Maintaining a positive attitude about your efforts – weight loss related or not — helps you stay motivated, but it goes far beyond that. By turning that frown upside, you’ll reap actual physical benefits….

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A Crash Course in Time Management

A Crash Course in Time Management

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

Learn time management. When you have a thousand things to do, it can feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. You wake up, get the kids ready for school, go to work, come home from work, cook dinner, help the kids with their homework, get them ready…

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Easy Ways to Get Your Water

Easy Ways to Get Your Water

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

You know you’re supposed to drink those eight glasses a day, but water can be so…boring. But take heart – there are lots of ways to incorporate water into your daily diet without having to tote around a gallon jug of H2O. When you wake up in the morning, the…

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Make Weight Loss Your Pet Project

Make Weight Loss Your Pet Project

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

You’ve certainly noticed the extra girth around your midsection, but have you noticed that your furry friends have put on some weight? If not, it’s time to check and perhaps include Fido and Fluffy in your weight-loss efforts. Veterinarians estimate that about 35 percent of pets are overweight or obese….

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Alcohol Not So Cheerful For Dieters

Alcohol Not So Cheerful For Dieters

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

They don’t call it a beer belly for nothing. Drinking excessive amount of alcohol can pack on the pounds. So if you’re watching your waistline, you may want to skip that next round. It’s important to remember that all alcoholic drinks are not created equal. Perhaps the smartest choice calorie-wise…

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Variety Is the Diet Spice of Life

Variety Is the Diet Spice of Life

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

Want to meet and exceed your fitness goals? You’ll need to incorporate the cardio and strength training combo. Cardiovascular exercises are important because they help your body to increase endurance and stamina. They raise the heart rate for an extended period of time and burn calories at a higher rate…

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Calcium Check: Are You Getting It?

Calcium Check: Are You Getting It?

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

Make sure you’re getting enough calcium. Of all the minerals the body absorbs, you’re most likely to come up short in your supply of calcium. Unfortunately, this mineral is essential as far as strengthening bones, helping muscles contract and regulating contractions of the heart. Most surprisingly, calcium plays a role…

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Downsize Your Plate and Your Waist

Downsize Your Plate and Your Waist

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

Use smaller plates. When you’re trying to get a handle on portion sizes, your dinner can drown on those 12-inch plates. Suddenly, those healthy helpings can look smaller than ever. Trick your brain by enjoying sensible servings on a smaller platter. It will be difficult to “overdo” it when there’s…

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