Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
No matter what type of exercise or fitness program you are following, there is one important element you cannot forget: water! Our bodies lose a great deal of water due to perspiration. Staying hydrated during a workout will help you stay focused and more energized. Dehydration could result in serious…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
It’s not officially a diet, but there are plenty of reasons to follow the rainbow, especially when picking out fruits and vegetables. The secret to ensuring that your body gets the necessary nutrients lies in following an eating regimen that’s rich in color. There’s a wealth of health benefits associated…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Personal trainers used to be reserved for the rich and famous, but many people and gymgoers are finding that trainers are more accessible than ever. Moreover, using a trainer doesn’t have to break the bank, especially if you split the cost with friends and go together. Personal trainers charge anywhere…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
If you find your grocery bill creeping up and your waistline expanding, then it would be a smart idea to take a hard look at how and where you buy your food…and all those other seemingly inevitable extras. Seasons, smells and samples can empty your wallet and fill your belly,…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
When it comes to managing your weight, the two most important letters you need to know are G and I. They stand for glycemic index – and they’ve become the buzzwords of the diet movement in recent years. The Glycemic Index chart ranks carbohydrates based on their effect on blood…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Just because we’ve been raised to eat three big meals a day doesn’t mean it’s the right — or the light — way. Research shows the best way to keep your metabolism revved up is to eat small, frequent meals. Some studies have found that people who consume more meals…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Create a motivational mantra. I am what I eat. Bigger isn’t better. I’m in it to win it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Think of a saying that reflects your weight-loss journey and stick to it. When you wake up in the morning, state your mantra aloud. When you’re…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Fats have gotten a bad rap over the years. However, all fats are not creative equal. There are good fats and bad fats. The first step is identifying which fats are which. Saturated fats kick up total blood cholesterol, along with the LDL or bad cholesterol. These are found in…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Peer pressure can be a positive force, especially when you’re talking about fitness and healthy eating. The positive influence of having a diet buddy or attending fitness classes with others has been proven to increase weight-loss success. There are probably plenty of people around you who will take notice as…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
It’s common knowledge that high cholesterol is a major health hazard. But how many people take into consideration good cholesterol? Good cholesterol, known as HDL, helps fight against heart disease. According to research, HDL cholesterol is made up of protein, lipids and cholesterol. The HDL drives out the LDL, also…
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