Diet & Fitness / Fitness
by Anthony Stemke Roughly half of all Americans say they exercise regularly. Want to join them? Maybe you don’t want to join a gym because you lack the time or money — or you are too embarrassed to exercise in front of other people. No problem. You can train at…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
By Tom Dahne With hundreds of weight loss programs out there, it can get difficult to choose one that will actually give you results. So if you are tired of looking around here and there to find the perfect solution for your weight loss problem, it’s time you go for…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
At first glance, smoking and exercising do not seem to go hand in hand. Smokers are generally not known for their stamina and overall good health. They do, however, put their health in jeopardy if they do not engage in some kind of exercise to offset the health effects of…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
Fall is an invigorating time of year to work out. Many times you get that slogged feeling where you don’t feel like working out due to the excessive summer heat. Feel refreshed and alive again as the heat and humidity of summer lift. Autumn is one of the best seasons…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
The Wii Fit has taken the world by storm, an innovative toy that promises to give you a great workout without feeling like exercise. The Wii Fit is an interactive platform that lets you play different sports on your television and is intuitive enough to register your movements so you…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
by Laura Leigh Fields Warm weather is the perfect excuse to get outside and enjoy the splendor of the outdoors. Better still you can run, jump, and play like you did when you were a child. There are many summer activities that are not only fun, but also creative ways…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
You’ve been working with machines, exercising your heart out and eating a balanced, nutritious diet. The evidence, however, is staring at you in the mirror: Your gluteus is particularly maximus. What could you possibly be doing wrong? The unfortunate answer is probably the type of exercise you’re doing. A large…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
For many of us, finding time to incorporate fitness into our daily schedules can be challenging. There are those who have made a daily trip to the gym an integral part of their lives, one that is planned for and considered an investment in the sanctity of their physical and…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
Anyone seriously attempting to lose weight knows the major principle of weight loss: burn more calories than you take in, and you will drop pounds. Burn less, and the number on the scale will go up. So the questions is, with so many workout options and classes out there to…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
While the benefits of working out in a gym are plentiful, indoor exercise sometimes leads you down the road to a place called boredom and burnout. When this happens, there’s a simple solution: Reverse direction and take it outside! Participation in outdoor sports can breathe new life into your fitness…
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