10 WORST Weight Loss Mistakes

10 WORST Weight Loss Mistakes

Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating

When it comes to dropping those extra pounds, are you unknowingly sabotaging your own efforts? Below are 10 mistakes that people make that throw them off the path to successful, permanent weight loss. 1. Not doing the math When it comes to counting calories, there’s no eyeballing those mashed potatoes…

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Lose Weight for Better Sex

Lose Weight for Better Sex

Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating

Do you look forward to having sex with your partner, or is it something you avoid? Many people who are not happy with their bodies or the way they look have a lackluster sex life, and typically avoid sex so they don’t have to deal with anxiety or embarrassment about…

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The Healthiest Frozen Entrees

The Healthiest Frozen Entrees

Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating

Over worked, short on time? Americans need convenience and frozen dinners provide that to us. It is possible to eat healthy and “zap” a meal! It is almost impossible to choose a frozen dinner, while strolling down the frozen food isle. There are so many choices. You want to look…

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Refined vs. Unrefined Carbs

Refined vs. Unrefined Carbs

Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating

When it comes to carbs and weight loss, you’ll find dozens of conflicting opinions on how many carbs you should consume each day, when you should eat them and what types of carbs you need to include in your daily meal plan. Understanding how carbs play a role in your…

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The 411 on Detox Diets

The 411 on Detox Diets

Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating

The simple word detox evokes images of cleansing away impurities from your body. It conjures up thoughts of healthy individuals with clear skin, white smiles, and a slim physique. Behind the scenes, the detox diets, for some individuals, can be more like a horror film full of fatigue, diarrhea, and…

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