Tricks For Cutting Calories, Costs

Tricks For Cutting Calories, Costs

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

Restaurant portions have gotten bigger… and so have our waistlines. Frequent your local eatery and you’ll quickly find you got more than you bargained for, or actually needed. Restaurant portions are the ultimate diet trap. Those pasta portions are often enough to feed a family of four. Most portions of…

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Drop the Muffins, Man!

Drop the Muffins, Man!

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

Beware of the muffin – and other sweet breakfast breads. For years people have assumed that muffins are a healthy, diet-friendly option. However, that isn’t the case for the most part. Some muffins come with a heavy price in terms of calories and fat. A Starbucks Chocolate Cream Cheese muffin…

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Eat More, Weigh Less

Eat More, Weigh Less

Diet Reviews / Low Fat

The Eat More, Weigh Less program emphasizes complex carbohydrates that are also rich in fiber, which helps people feel satiated. Fiber also slows the absorption of food so that blood sugar rises slowly, averting spikes. Before you turn your nose up at this low-fat, vegetarian program because it sounds “too…

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Protein Power

Protein Power

Diet Reviews / Glycemic Index

According to the Eades, the fat that a person consumes has little to do with weight gain. It is carbohydrates that contribute to additional weight. Getting rid of the carbs and the problem is solved. Restricting carbs makes for lower insulin levels, that in turn burns the fat being stored…

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More Energy on Less Food

More Energy on Less Food

Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating

When you’re trying to lose weight by cutting back on calories, keeping your energy levels up can be a challenge. Many dieters fail at sticking with their diet plan because they simply feel too tired, depressed or lethargic after a few days. When your body isn’t used to a lower…

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Cholesterol-Fighting Foods

Cholesterol-Fighting Foods

Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating

Cholesterol-lowering medication is often the first solution people consider when told that their blood cholesterol level is higher than it should be. However, making smart nutritional choices and exercising is the best way to make your way onto becoming a healthier person. Gradual and permanent changes in your diet will…

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Does the Shake Weight Work?

Does the Shake Weight Work?

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

It’s an infomercial mainstay and the punchline of many comedians’ off-color jokes. But does the Shake Weight actually build muscles? The answer may not please those who already invested $20 for the women’s version or $30 for the men’s. While the shake weight may help define muscles in the arms,…

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Hungry for Fitness? Get Class

Hungry for Fitness? Get Class

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

A great way to get motivated is to sign up for a group fitness class. It can be much easier to stick to your fitness goals if you know there’s a class that you want to attend. Most gyms have a variety of classes to choose from, and there are…

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Exercise to Reduce Stress

Exercise to Reduce Stress

Diet & Fitness / Mind & Body

by Sandra Petersen Perhaps you have too many projects at work and too little time to accomplish them. Maybe you are worrying over heavy financial debt. Stress seems an unavoidable part of life. The good news is that moderate regular exercise can reduce the effects of stress on the body….

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