French Women Don’t Get Fat

French Women Don’t Get Fat

Diet Reviews / High Fiber

Consume three meals a day, load up on fruits and veggies, swear off super-sizing, incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, drink water and eat your favorite snacks on occasion. It is common sense and it works. Just look at French women. The French diet is usually rich in butter,…

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Stress Relief Tips and Exercises

Stress Relief Tips and Exercises

Diet & Fitness / Mind & Body

Time management is a big problem for most people to deal with. People have become so busy in their daily lives that they don’t realize how important it is to effectively manage their time. There are some things in our lives that get put on the backburner when they should…

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Healthy Lunch Strategies

Healthy Lunch Strategies

Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating

by Rita Chaney For many of us who work and want to watch our weight and eat healthy, lunch can be the most difficult meal of the day. We’re “stuck” away from home with very little time to make decisions about where to go for lunch and what to eat…

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Resolve Not to Make Resolutions

Resolve Not to Make Resolutions

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

It’s that time of year again when we create lofty goals for ourselves that are virtually impossible to meet. Avoid the self-recrimination that you’ll undoubtedly feel in a few months, and resolve just to do the best you can. Whether your goal is health-oriented, altruistic or family-oriented, you’ll feel better…

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Coffee and Health: Beneficial Beans

Coffee and Health: Beneficial Beans

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

For a long time, coffee and particularly caffeine have been on the list of “don’ts” for people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. But close to 20,000 studies in the past 30 years have tried to determine caffeine’s effect on the body, and the results are promising. The stimulant…

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Vitamins for Vegetarians

Vitamins for Vegetarians

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

There are a lot of vegetarians among us, some by circumstance and some by choice. Those who are vegetarians by choice can be divided into two general groups — those who do not eat meat, poultry or fish, but do consume dairy products as – in theory – the animals…

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20-Minute Workouts

20-Minute Workouts

Diet & Fitness / Fitness

Finding the motivation to exercise regularly can be tough…but finding the time can be even more challenging. With jobs, kids and extra commitments, today’s world is a busier place than ever before. Sometimes, there really aren’t enough hours in the day. But you may be surprised to learn that with…

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This Workout Is Tutu Good

This Workout Is Tutu Good

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

Ballet has come a long way since the days of boring barre routines, drill-sergeant teachers and recitals. It’s worth revisiting those moves you might’ve done at the dance studio so many years ago. Ballet is enjoying a renaissance among those who admire and desire the long, lean lines and tight…

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Give Your Burger a Flavor Boost

Give Your Burger a Flavor Boost

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

You love burgers, but you’re watching your waistline. That doesn’t mean you have to resort to eating a dry patty of meat. Sure, you’ll want to ditch the cheese and the mayo. Think about it. Just one slice of cheese has about 70 calories and 6 grams of fat while…

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