Body for Life for Women
Body-for-Life for Women has a guide for women called the Mind-Mouth-Muscle Formula. This outline gives direction for maintaining optimum health during the four phases of hormonal milestones from menarch to past menopause. Peeke devises an eating, exercise and mental health plan customized for every period of life. Instead of laying…
6 Common Female Problems Nobody Wants to Talk About
From itching to burning, these dreaded buzzwords often conjure up visions of STDs and other women problems we prefer not to speak of. Needless to say, the notion of actually talking to another person (i.e., your physician) seems absolutely mortifying. Well, you’re not alone. Millions of women of all ages…
Revival Diet
In fact, as one of their greatest success stories, Suzanne Tabor used the routine to get healthier, look more youthful and achieve any overall radiant glow. In four weeks on the Revival Diet, she gained more energy and fought some of the symptoms commonly associated with menopause. Her skin, hair…
What Are the Symptoms of Food Intolerance?
Doubling over with abdominal pain or running for the bathroom after every meal can be painful, annoying and embarrassing. Food intolerance can be less severe than food allergies, but it too can be inconvenient and troublesome. It’s important to know what the symptoms of food intolerance are in order to…
Dieting by the Book
Experiment in the kitchen. Variety is the spice life — it’s also a great strategy for sticking to your meal plan. Trying different recipes will keep your weight-loss efforts from getting boring. And you don’t necessarily have to forsake your old favorites simply because you’re dieting. A little research and…
Hyperthyroidism Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
By Peter Rodrick Thyroid is an important gland that is situated in the middle of the front side of the neck. Thyroid gland secretes some of the important hormones, known as thyroid hormones, that play important role in metabolism of the body. Metabolism is the process through which, the body…
How to Overcome Procrastination Using the Law of Attraction
By Anisa Aven “Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin.” –Victor Kiam, American businessman, Remington Electric Razors (1926-2001) “Oh, how I wish I could overcome procrastination! Somebody please help me stop procrastinating! But not today, I’m busy.” Procrastination is a double-edged habit. It deserves our attention as well as our appreciation. The guilt…
Eat To Live, Don’t Live To Eat
It’s no big mystery why more than a third of the U.S. population is overweight. We’ve made food the center of our universe. From weddings to funerals to holidays, it seems like almost every milestone event in our lives revolves around food. The amount of energy spent on the what,…
An Earthy Way to Eat
Today is Earth Day, and it’s a time to focus on all things green. Making just a small change or two, like investing in reusable grocery bags or replacing light bulbs with more energy-efficient ones certainly helps the Earth. But this year, why not help yourself, too? Instead of buying…