How To Lose 2 Lbs. A Week

How To Lose 2 Lbs. A Week

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

You’ve probably already found dozens of fad diets that promise to help you “lose 10 pounds in 10 days!” or “lose 5 pounds this weekend!” but almost all of these diet plans will leave you hungry, tired and only losing a few pounds of water weight in the first few…

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Add Avocado to Your Menu

Add Avocado to Your Menu

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

Most people confuse an avocado as a vegetable when it’s actually a fruit. Whether used in a salad or prepared as guacamole, avocado isn’t just delicious — it packs a mean nutritional punch. Avocados, which are low in calories, are rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin C, thiamine and riboflavin. Each…

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Do Some Yard Workout

Do Some Yard Workout

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

Want to kill two birds with one stone? Then get to work — yard work, that is. We’re talking about taking your exercise regimen outside and getting back to the basics. It is possible to whittle your waistline while doing your daily household chores, especially in the great outdoors. Doing…

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A One-Stop Shop That Produces Diet Results

A One-Stop Shop That Produces Diet Results

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

Five a day keeps the diseases away. We’re talking about consuming at least five servings of fruit and vegetables every day. That’s the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to the agency, fruits and vegetables are rich in essential vitamins, minerals and fiber that prevent chronic…

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Gold Coast Cure

Gold Coast Cure

Diet Reviews / Low Fat

Designed by Dr. Andy Larson and wife Ivy, the objective of the Gold Coast Cure is to use the medicinal properties found in foods to alleviate the symptoms of chronic illnesses that affect quality of life. The wellness program puts the latest-breaking nutritional news to the test… and works. There…

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TNT Diet

TNT Diet

Diet Reviews / Low Carb

The TNT Diet’s mission is to ensure that the body does not store fat. Based on the latest science and research, authors Adam Campbell and JeffVolek have created a state-of-the-art program using Targeted NutritionTactics. Hence the TNT in the name. Through specific nutrition and exercise practices, followers of the TNT…

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Water Weight Loss: What to Eat

Water Weight Loss: What to Eat

Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips

A poor diet, hormonal changes or a sedentary lifestyle can cause you to retain water, but is there anything you can do about it to get your belly looking flatter fast? Start eating. That’s right – filling your belly with the right foods can help beat the bloat of water…

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