Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Fats have gotten a bad rap over the years. However, all fats are not creative equal. There are good fats and bad fats. The first step is identifying which fats are which. Saturated fats kick up total blood cholesterol, along with the LDL or bad cholesterol. These are found in…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Peer pressure can be a positive force, especially when you’re talking about fitness and healthy eating. The positive influence of having a diet buddy or attending fitness classes with others has been proven to increase weight-loss success. There are probably plenty of people around you who will take notice as…
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Diet & Fitness / Mind & Body
“Sex in the air, I don’t care, I love the smell of it. Sticks and stones may break my bones. But chains and whips excite me.” – Rihanna,”S&M” The past year has been a sexual awakening of sorts for women from all walks of life — from Holly Homemaker to…
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Diet Reviews / Other
Over the last decade, inflammation has become a household word. While the condition was virtually unheard of some years ago, that’s all changed. Researchers pinpoint inflammation as the root of almost all health problems – from headaches to heartaches. Dr. Mark Hyman, author of the bestselling book UltraMetabolism and editor…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
When it comes to spicing up your food, you don’t always need to rely on salt, sugar and other unhealthy ingredients to kick your dishes up a notch. There are plenty of health-enhancing herbs and spices that do the job. Not only do they offer palate-pleasing flavors, but they also…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
Among Tosca’s assertions is the necessity to eat six meals a day, drink plenty of water, stay away from sugar and high-fat foods and eat the foods God gave us versus man-made foods (i.e. processed foods). It is important to first realize what clean foods are — fresh, whole and…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Who says you can’t get physically fit without a gym membership? There’s no denying that belonging to a gym definitely has its perks. There are countless classes – from spinning to step to Pilates – available at no additional cost. You have access to every machine under the sun, some…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
The Wii Fit has taken the world by storm, an innovative toy that promises to give you a great workout without feeling like exercise. The Wii Fit is an interactive platform that lets you play different sports on your television and is intuitive enough to register your movements so you…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Eat at least five servings of fruit a day. If you’re not getting an apple a day — or any fruit for that matter — it’s time to change your unhealthy ways. A campaign has been established promoting the importance of consuming five to nine servings of colorful fruits and…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
The meal replacement plan has evolved over the years and now offers nutrition bars, meal bars, smoothies, snacks and powders. SlimFast boasts that there are more than 30 clinical studies that reveal the effectiveness of the weight-loss program. In addition to the diet-friendly, convenient products offered by Slim-Fast, the company…
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