Diet Reviews / Low Fat
The health benefits of the DASH diet can be attributed to a lessening in sodium consumption, along with dietary modifications that reduce the intake of fat and saturated fat. By eating more fruits, vegetables and low-fat or non-fat dairy, you’ll also lower your cholesterol, lose weight and improve your overall…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
When it comes to exercising, doing more with less effort is the way to go, whether you’re trying to save time, energy, money or all of the above. You probably already know that you can break up those 30 minutes of exercise that experts recommend you get daily – 10…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
For many of us, finding time to incorporate fitness into our daily schedules can be challenging. There are those who have made a daily trip to the gym an integral part of their lives, one that is planned for and considered an investment in the sanctity of their physical and…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
When your days of pregnancy are finally over, you may be left with several pregnancy pounds and loose skin. Losing weight after pregnancy is possible with the right workouts and a healthy diet plan, but you won’t be able to lose the baby weight without a strong desire and commitment…
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Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating
When you’re beginning a new diet or weight loss program, it can be difficult to stay on track and stay motivated long enough to see results. Many dieters simply quit before they get results because they don’t see any difference in their bodies or on the scale, but you can…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
Even when you’re determined to get in shape and finally lose the extra weight, it can be hard to get going on a consistent fitness routine. Adding exercise to your daily routine and keeping up with your workouts can be a challenge, but you’ll be able to achieve your goal…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
How smart is Popeye? Smarter than you think. Popeye attributes his amazing strength to eating spinach, but he is also protecting himself against osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer and arthritis. The Journal of Nutrition recently published a report that spinach fights prostate cancer while The Nurses Health Study reveals women…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
You know you ought to eat breakfast, but preparing a morning meal at home just isn’t happening in your rushed household. So what do you do when you need to break the fast on the road? Good news — those belly-busting fast-food breakfasts don’t have to break the diet bank….
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Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating
Snacks with less than 100 calories are not hard to find. The key to a good snack is finding food that effectively fights off hunger. If you choose a snack with fiber and/or protein, it will most likely hold you over until mealtime. Whether you prefer sweet or salty, you…
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Diet & Fitness / Mind & Body
By Jamie Jefferson Winter is the time of year when I am always looking for a little lift. The string of days before spring unfolds just seem to stretch on and on. Each year, it seems, I try something new at these times. Here are 18 things that have worked…
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