Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating
At a movie theater, villains don’t lurk solely on the silver screen. You’ll also find them at the food concession stand, under the guise of popcorn, soda, candy, and other yummy treats that show no mercy for your waistline. Not only are your choices for eating healthy at the movies…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
They say laughter is the best medicine when it comes to your health. So it goes without saying that it also must benefit your weight-loss efforts in one way or another. Research indicates that feelings of joy and happiness contribute to changes in the body. Having a good chuckle strengthens…
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Diet Reviews / Other
These DJs went on to maintain that the weight magically melted away while they were sleeping. But the only thing natural about this diet is that it has come under fire from the Federal Trade Commission, which has charged the designers of the product with making incorrect and unsubstantiated claims.Based…
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Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating
When the craving for something salty hits and you want to stick with your healthy diet, you don’t have to settle for unhealthy treats and junk food to satisfy your cravings. There are dozens of low-calorie, low fat and healthful salty snacks available, and you can stock up on these…
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Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating
Preparing foods that are both nutritious and delicious is always a challenge. If, like most families, you have a picky eater or two, there are a few tricks you can use to boost the nutritional value of the foods your family loves. One such trick is to “sneak” or “hide”…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
Milk – it does a body good. Right? Well, not always. Do you think you might have trouble digesting milk or milk products? Do you find yourself bloated or gassy after eating dairy? Are you left wondering “am I lactose intolerant?” Read on to find out more about the causes,…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Who says you can’t get physically fit without a gym membership? There’s no denying that belonging to a gym definitely has its perks. There are countless classes – from spinning to step to Pilates – available at no additional cost. You have access to every machine under the sun, some…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
Regardless of whether or not you’ll tip a mug of green beer or a nice stout in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, the health benefits of beer are worth toasting. Of course, if you don’t drink, then it’s not an excuse to start. But beer is not the enemy it’s…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
If you’re like most people, you’ve been doing the usual set of workouts and exercises to get into shape. Push-ups, sit ups, crunches and lunges are great exercises when you’re first starting out, but your body will adapt to the routine fairly quickly. The result? Fewer calories burned and little…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women, aside from skin cancer. About 40,000 women will die from it this year, and 232,670 women will be diagnosed with it, according to the American Cancer Society. Twelve percent of women will develop invasive breast cancer at some point…
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