How Dieting Affects Your Skin

How Dieting Affects Your Skin

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

by Eva Perry Did you know that when you are dieting, there are positive and negative effects to your skin? Good nutrition is a key factor in maintaining that healthy glow and elasticity that many people strive to obtain. Healthier food choices are usually made when dieting. This means adding…

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All Vitamin Supplements Are Not Created Equal

All Vitamin Supplements Are Not Created Equal

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

While getting all your essential nutrients from natural foods is ideal, it may not be practical in today’s society, and many people turn to vitamins to supplement their diets. Make no mistake about it, however, vitamin supplements are big business, and not all manufacturers have your best interests at heart….

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What Are the Symptoms of Food Intolerance?

What Are the Symptoms of Food Intolerance?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

Doubling over with abdominal pain or running for the bathroom after every meal can be painful, annoying and embarrassing. Food intolerance can be less severe than food allergies, but it too can be inconvenient and troublesome. It’s important to know what the symptoms of food intolerance are in order to…

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The Effects of BMI on Health

The Effects of BMI on Health

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a measure of a person’s body fat, based on a simple calculation of body weight in kilograms, divided by the square of the individual’s height in meters. It is used by health professionals around the world to determine whether a person is overweight or…

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Can You Be Fat and Fit?

Can You Be Fat and Fit?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

In today’s world of monitoring everything from your body mass index to measuring your waistline, many people don’t realize that you can be fit and fat at the same time. It is extremely possible to be fit, yet considered overweight by many of today’s standards. A large part of this…

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5 Causes of Diabetes: Are You at Risk?

5 Causes of Diabetes: Are You at Risk?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

Obesity…High blood pressure and poor cholesterol…Insulin resistance…Smoking…Pregnancy…  They are more than common health woes. They also happen to be five factors that raise the risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), an estimated 25.9 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, and another 79…

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How to Quit Smoking

How to Quit Smoking

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

By Derek Kim Although every former smoker has their own unique story on how they quit smoking, there are some tried and true how to quit smoking methods that have worked well over the years. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, you can always try out different methods and…

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5 Ways To Bust A Weight-Loss Plateau

5 Ways To Bust A Weight-Loss Plateau

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

As every dieter knows, the time will come when weight-loss progress grinds to a frustrating halt. It’s the infamous weight-loss plateau, and nothing seems to break it. Well take heart, because there are effective ways to regain momentum. Here are five ways to take charge and reinvigorate a weight-loss plan….

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What a Sight! Should I Get Bifocals?

What a Sight! Should I Get Bifocals?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

The idea of someone wearing bifocals may conjure the image of a hunched-over elderly person, but that is an antiquated, stereotypical view of the type of person who needs bifocals. Older adults may be more inclined to ask the optometrist, “Should I get bifocals?”  But age is just a number…

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