What You Need to Know About Food Allergies

What You Need to Know About Food Allergies

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

There are plenty of things you need to know about food allergies versus food intolerance. Some people mistakenly believe they’re suffering from a food allergy because they’ve had a reaction after eating a certain food. However, it could actually be food intolerance, which is a totally different condition. Food Intolerance…

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7 Common Sex Problems

7 Common Sex Problems

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

Sex life getting a little less…sexy? Many people experience a lackluster sex life at some point. It’s not always like the steamy images we see on screen. Although it’s unrealistic to expect a “9 Weeks” level of intimacy behind closed doors, there should be a happy medium for most couples. …

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Graves’ Disease Symptoms: Do You Have Them?

Graves’ Disease Symptoms: Do You Have Them?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder and a common cause of hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid gland. A person suffering from Graves’ disease has a thyroid that produces too many hormones. These hormones affect different bodily functions and parts of the body, so Graves’ disease symptoms are diverse.  Graves’ disease…

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How Much Vitamin C Do You Really Need?

How Much Vitamin C Do You Really Need?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

Vitamin C has been praised as a cold-fighting, immune-boosting, health miracle. But is it possible to get too much of a good thing?  The Need for Vitamin C Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient that helps grow and repair tissue and bone. It also helps…

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Revealed! What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Revealed! What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

Most people who aren’t familiar with diabetes aren’t aware of the host of side effects that accompany this debilitating disease. Diabetic retinopathy is just one of the problems that plague diabetics.  Diabetic retinopathy is a complication from diabetes that affects the eyes. Over time, diabetes can cause retina damage, which…

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Is Weight-Loss Surgery For You?

Is Weight-Loss Surgery For You?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

For the morbidly obese, most of whom have tried the diet route without success, bariatric surgery may be the last best option. With the range of obesity related diseases and obesity itself on the rise, bariatric surgery and its quick weight loss may be the solution for a return to…

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Effective Treatments to Eliminate IBS

Effective Treatments to Eliminate IBS

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

by John Howard Thousands of people around the world suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. Though there is no specific general cure that is available for IBS, there are several IBS treatment options that are available, which can provide relief from the symptoms. A combination of different types of…

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Could You Have Crohn’s Disease?

Could You Have Crohn’s Disease?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

A bout of diarrhea here and there is fairly common. From stomach bugs to hormones to food poisoning, the list of potential culprits runs the gamut. But when the occurrences become more persistent, it can be sign of a more serious problem, namely Crohn’s disease.  What Is Crohn’s Disease?  …

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