Is Weight-Loss Surgery For You?

Is Weight-Loss Surgery For You?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

For the morbidly obese, most of whom have tried the diet route without success, bariatric surgery may be the last best option. With the range of obesity related diseases and obesity itself on the rise, bariatric surgery and its quick weight loss may be the solution for a return to…

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All About Acid Reflux

All About Acid Reflux

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, often referred to by the acronym GERD, is a medical condition becoming more and more common and which presently afflicts up to 20 million Americans. Even small babies can suffer from GERD, and it can produce very distressing symptoms. These symptoms vary with individuals, while infantile GERD…

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Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms: Do You Have Them?

Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms: Do You Have Them?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

Experiencing some mild to moderate discomfort once in a while after eating is not uncommon. But feeling bloated, achy or numb after each meal isn’t normal. At the root of the problem could be gluten sensitivity symptoms. You don’t have to live with the discomfort associated with gluten sensitivity. Even…

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The Health Benefits of Drinking Wine

The Health Benefits of Drinking Wine

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

The potential benefits to your health associated with wine consumption is a rather long list indeed, and new studies continuously relate a drop in the risk of cancer and heart disease with drinking wine. Even before the first book was written about wine in 1410 by a French doctor, the…

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Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Hair

Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Hair

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

A lot of people actually pay a good deal of money just to make themselves look more attractive and feel better about themselves, but what they don’t know is that they can actually achieve this easily by keeping fit and staying healthy. Having lustrous and shiny, full hair is not…

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How Much Vitamin C Do You Really Need?

How Much Vitamin C Do You Really Need?

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

Vitamin C has been praised as a cold-fighting, immune-boosting, health miracle. But is it possible to get too much of a good thing?  The Need for Vitamin C Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient that helps grow and repair tissue and bone. It also helps…

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5 Ways To Bust A Weight-Loss Plateau

5 Ways To Bust A Weight-Loss Plateau

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

As every dieter knows, the time will come when weight-loss progress grinds to a frustrating halt. It’s the infamous weight-loss plateau, and nothing seems to break it. Well take heart, because there are effective ways to regain momentum. Here are five ways to take charge and reinvigorate a weight-loss plan….

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Effective Treatments to Eliminate IBS

Effective Treatments to Eliminate IBS

Diet & Fitness / Wellness

by John Howard Thousands of people around the world suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. Though there is no specific general cure that is available for IBS, there are several IBS treatment options that are available, which can provide relief from the symptoms. A combination of different types of…

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