Diet & Fitness / Wellness
Constipation can be painful, aggravating, and embarrassing to talk about. Though children and the elderly suffer the most frequently from this problem, knowing how to recognize symptoms is important for everyone. Individuals affected by constipation should learn about prevention for the future, as well as when to get the doctor…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
If you have a wound or irritation on your skin that doesn’t seem quite right or isn’t healing as it should, chances are it might be some kind of lesion. But is the skin lesion cancerous or not? That’s the important question. Lesions are defined as almost any type of…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
By now, we all know the flu is nothing to sneeze at. It’s an illness that sends people running straight for the sanitizer…and with good reason. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza and pneumonia were responsible for more than 50,000 deaths in 2011. It goes without…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
It appears that the medical profession the world over are all too quick to prescribe drugs rather than to suggest natural methods of lowering high blood pressure (hypertension). Most of these medicines can have undesirable side effects, so it is a good idea to look for natural methods. It has…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
Sex life getting a little less…sexy? Many people experience a lackluster sex life at some point. It’s not always like the steamy images we see on screen. Although it’s unrealistic to expect a “9 Weeks” level of intimacy behind closed doors, there should be a happy medium for most couples. …
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
Fruit is a healthy part of any diet but resembling an apple or pear implies certain health risks. The basic shape we become is our genetic gift or curse, depending on how you look at it. What we do to add or subtract to it is our responsibility. So take…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
by Eva Perry Did you know that when you are dieting, there are positive and negative effects to your skin? Good nutrition is a key factor in maintaining that healthy glow and elasticity that many people strive to obtain. Healthier food choices are usually made when dieting. This means adding…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
We’ve all heard that milk does a body good, but do you really know why? Milk’s health-enhancing benefits go beyond building stronger bones. There’s a whole list of perks that this dairy dream provides. However, most people are unaware of the most obscure benefits of milk. Read on to learn…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
When you think of a hug, you typically think of something warm and inviting, happy and comforting. For people who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis (MS), however, the “MS Hug” means something entirely different. MS is a chronic and unpredictable disease in which the body basically attacks itself. Put simply: The…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
I feel horrible! Do I have the flu or is it just a common cold? This question is usually the first that comes to mind when you get that lousy-all-over-feeling that lets you know you’ve caught a winter season bug. Some of the symptoms of the flu (influenza) are very…
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