Diet & Fitness / Wellness
Every time the seasons change 35 million Americans start sneezing, rubbing their watery eyes, blowing their stuffy noses, and itching like mad. They are the ranks of seasonal allergy sufferers, joined by another 50 million kindred souls who endure an even wider variety of allergic reactions to trees, grass, flowers,…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
By Pat Keenon Several studies show that acupuncture may offer significant relief for a variety of diseases and conditions, including most kinds of common pain such as low back pain and headaches, fibromyalgia, migraines and osteoarthritis. To ease pain, you do not have to rely solely on pain pills as…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
A bout of diarrhea here and there is fairly common. From stomach bugs to hormones to food poisoning, the list of potential culprits runs the gamut. But when the occurrences become more persistent, it can be sign of a more serious problem, namely Crohn’s disease. What Is Crohn’s Disease? …
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
When you think of a hug, you typically think of something warm and inviting, happy and comforting. For people who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis (MS), however, the “MS Hug” means something entirely different. MS is a chronic and unpredictable disease in which the body basically attacks itself. Put simply: The…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
By Bob Held There are 17 million diabetics in the United States and 80 million more who are in some stage of insulin resistance. A diet high in carbohydrates and lack of nutrition are the two main factors in creating insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a “pre-diabetic” condition, which, when…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
By Peter Hutch Acid reflux disorder, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, is a condition worthy of ample attention. This chronic and complicated health problem affects the digestive tract by causing inflammation and even permanent damage to the esophagus. Because it affects a great number of people world-wide,…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
Obesity…High blood pressure and poor cholesterol…Insulin resistance…Smoking…Pregnancy… They are more than common health woes. They also happen to be five factors that raise the risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), an estimated 25.9 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, and another 79…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
The unique, wonderfully fragrant aroma of roast lamb sizzling in the oven with sprigs of rosemary, or freshly made pizza topped with the delightfully aromatic herb, oregano, are just some of those delicious memories that can be stored quietly at the back of our nasal sensory organs to be reminded…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
Are you thinking about jumping into the next fad diet trend? Popular plans such as the Atkins and South Beach Diet promise to help you lose weight fast and easily, but most dieters find that they can’t sustain the weight loss — and end up gaining even more weight back!…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
By Juana Cruz Nighttime heartburn can happen, since you are in an inclined position, and gravity can pull your food contents to the esophagus. When this happens, the patient will experience a burning sensation in the chest, throat and mouth. So, for some heartburn help, follow these tips: 1. Eat…
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