Cooking Filet Mignon

Cooking Filet Mignon

Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes

Filet mignon is French, of course, with filet meaning “thick slice” and mignon meaning “dainty.” Filet mignon comes from the small end of the tenderloin (called the short loin) which is found on the back rib cage of the animal. This area of the animal is not weight-bearing, thus the…

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Cooking Accessories for BBQs

Cooking Accessories for BBQs

Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes

Grilling is a time-honored tradition enjoyed by many families. Barbequing is great especially during the summer months or whenever the weather outside is warm. Grilling is also enjoyable because it is a relatively fast process (depending on the type of grill you have), and the food tastes great, too! Grilling…

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Great Low-Fat Dressings

Great Low-Fat Dressings

Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes

Dressings make a huge difference in the healthfulness of a salad and how good it tastes. It doesn’t take much to adopt healthy salad dressings — these tasty additions may encourage you incorporate more greens into your meals. But before you learn how to make healthy dressings, here’s the truth…

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Apples: Know the Difference

Apples: Know the Difference

Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes

Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They’re usually the first fruit young children can identify, and the first fruit they taste. Countless folk stories and myths from around the globe feature apples, demonstrating the apple’s far-reaching influence and likeability. One of the apple’s main selling…

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