Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
by Pamela Sosnowski Versatile, packed with nutrients and containing only 75 calories each, eggs may just be one of the most perfect diet foods readily available. Unfortunately, many believe that eggs are a “bad food” and should be avoided: A 2008 survey conducted by the Egg Nutrition Center found that…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
As moms, we have hectic lives. Whether we work out of the home, in the home or look after the kids full time, we definitely have our jobs cut out for us. We clean, chauffeur the kids around, mend scraped knees, help with homework, do laundry and on top of…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
“Summertime and the livin’ is easy…” George Gershwin’s famous “Summertime” lyrics capture the spirit of slow summer days and easy meal preparation. Time to turn off the oven and enjoy the cool pleasure of fruits, vegetables and chilled meat salads. Several idea prompters should get you started and encourage your…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Winner, winner chicken dinner! Chicken is an all-around crowd pleaser. It’s healthy, relatively inexpensive and the kids will eat it without complaint. Plus, it’s extremely versatile and easy to prepare, making it a perfect main course for busy families. So it goes without saying that mouth-watering chicken thigh recipes are…
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