Vegetarian Dishes for Meat Lovers

Vegetarian Dishes for Meat Lovers

Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes

There are many meat substitutes on the market, such as veggie burgers, sausage, bacon and even hot dogs. But just the idea of fake meat may turn off your carnivore. However, there some tasty “real food” options you can try that just might turn some heads at your table. The…

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Back to The Rind: How it’s Done

Back to The Rind: How it’s Done

Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes

The grocery store produce section is a crazy quilt of colors, shapes, and textures. There are fruits from all over the world within our reach throughout the year. Each of these natural treats has its own unique composition of vitamins and minerals, not to mention antioxidants and other health-boosting properties….

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Simple, Thrifty Meals

Simple, Thrifty Meals

Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes

Cheryl Tallman Here are some affordable meal ideas to help you get dinner on the table each night without too much time or effort. Casseroles Casseroles are an all-time favorite comfort food and can be inexpensive one-dish meals. Here are two recipes that are crowd and wallet pleasers. Classic Tuna…

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Classic Comfort Foods Made Healthy

Classic Comfort Foods Made Healthy

Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes

What’s more comforting after a bad day — or a good one for that matter — than grandma’s homemade chocolate-chip cookies? The memories of those sticky sweet indulgences take us back to our childhoods or keep us company when we’re blue, but consuming these traditional comfort foods can often times…

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