Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Fast food restaurants are great, aren’t they? You only need to drive through, throw some money at the people in the window and they happily throw grease, salt, and sugar back at you. We all know fast food joints are necessary evils. Everybody is short on time and they can…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Growing herbs has become a popular hobby. Not only are they decorative, but growing herbs yourself also gives you a constant fresh supply of herbs for cooking. Herbs can be grown indoors and enjoyed even if you are living in the city and do not have room for outdoor gardening…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Pancakes are easy and almost foolproof. But there are some tricks to making them perfect. We’d like to share those tips: 1. Use a low-gluten flour. We like to use unbleached pastry flour in our recipes-that’s what our mixes are made with-but all purpose flour will do. Bread flour makes…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
By Cheryl Tallman and Joan Ahlers, Asparagus derived its name from the ancient Greeks. But it was the Romans who were hooked on this vegetable. They documented detailed growing instructions, they enjoyed eating it in season, and they were the first to preserve it by freezing. Fast chariots and…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
One of the best things that you can do for your diet involves — at least to some extent — eating with the seasons. By looking at those foods that are ripe and readily available and bringing in a style of eating that’s closer to what our ancestors would have…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Smoothies are a delicious example of a drink that can be made in the blender. You can be as creative as you like with the ingredients and experimenting with tastes and textures is a lot of fun. You can whiz up milk and fruit, mixed fruit with honey and much…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Green vegetables are the food most missing in modern diets. Nutritionally, greens are very high in calcium (120 -190 mg per cup!) They’re also high in magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and they are a power house for Vitamin A, C, E and K. Believe it or not, they are…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Avocados are an ideal source for healthy fats and one of the most versatile fruits both in and out of the kitchen. High in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, they slow digestion, provide you with vitamins, and can be used for beauty treatments. Avocados and Your Diet In terms of…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Often (unfairly) overlooked in the typical American diet, beans are something of a nutritional-and economical-powerhouse. Some studies have indicated that they could actually reduce the risk of developing certain chronic diseases, such as colon cancer. They can also help lower your cholesterol, which is one of the leading causes of…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
There are thousands of recipes for chicken floating around the Internet, magazines, and in your own recipe collection, but good old-fashioned fried chicken is an enduring favorite that’s always sure to please. Even in this age of weight-watching and health-conscious meal choices, fried chicken hasn’t been abandoned entirely. It has,…
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