Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
We have all experienced that moment when you wander aimlessly in your kitchen wondering what to make for dinner. You haven’t had a chance to get to the grocery store and now have to pull together a meal with whatever is on hand. This is one stressor in your life…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Whether you’ve traveled the world or still live in the town you grew up in, chances are you’ve tried the regional cuisine of a distant place. One great thing about the United States is that it’s a country with so much culinary diversity. Some of our signature dishes come from…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Cutting out fast-food lunches can be difficult in the beginning, but after a few weeks you’ll be sold. Your wallet may even get fatter while your waistline gets smaller! In order to “make over” your brown-bag lunch, you are going to need a few things. You will need some plastic…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Do your children love spending time with you in the kitchen? If so, maybe it’s time to start teaching them simple cooking lessons by letting them help you prepare the family meals. Letting your kids help in the kitchen can be both instructive and fun for you and your little…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
It’s a familiar scene for most moms: You spend time cooking a nutritious (and you hope, delicious) meal for your toddler and she eats a few bites and takes off to play or nap. She’s healthy, happy and active, so you may wonder why she doesn’t seem to be eating…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Dessert is one of the most important parts of your menu, so do not overlook them when you are planning for Cinco de Mayo. Just as the appetizers are one of the first impressions your guests receive, so dessert is one of the last impressions they will get before the…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
The grocery store produce section is a crazy quilt of colors, shapes, and textures. There are fruits from all over the world within our reach throughout the year. Each of these natural treats has its own unique composition of vitamins and minerals, not to mention antioxidants and other health-boosting properties….
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Often (unfairly) overlooked in the typical American diet, beans are something of a nutritional-and economical-powerhouse. Some studies have indicated that they could actually reduce the risk of developing certain chronic diseases, such as colon cancer. They can also help lower your cholesterol, which is one of the leading causes of…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
These are two of my favorite party appetizer recipes that I used to prepare in parties! They are quick, easy and the ingredients are available in any store. Note: Both party appetizer recipes yield 8 servings. Cocktail Kebabs 8 large Shrimp, cooked 1 Garlic clove, crushed 2 Green onions, trimmed…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
What’s more comforting after a bad day — or a good one for that matter — than grandma’s homemade chocolate-chip cookies? The memories of those sticky sweet indulgences take us back to our childhoods or keep us company when we’re blue, but consuming these traditional comfort foods can often times…
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