Food & Recipes / Food Product Reviews
Tired of standing in front of the coffee maker, willing it to brew faster? When you’re ready for that first hit of caffeine in the morning, there’s nothing more excruciating than the preparation – fumbling with those sticky paper filters, measuring out the coffee and pouring in the water for…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Eating fish is a great way to introduce healthy proteins and vitamins into your diet, but you can pack twice the health benefits and twice the flavor by combining fresh fish and tropical fruit. Both of these foods are healthy sources of vitamins and nutrients and happen to taste delicious…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Do you feel like you are always rushing around, leaving little time for kitchen duties? If you follow my blog, you know I believe in cutting back on trips to the drive thru and encourage more home-cooked meals and family dinners. I know it isn’t always easy, so here are…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They’re usually the first fruit young children can identify, and the first fruit they taste. Countless folk stories and myths from around the globe feature apples, demonstrating the apple’s far-reaching influence and likeability. One of the apple’s main selling…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
We all ingest lots of chemicals, one way or another. We breathe them, we drink them, and we eat them. The most troublesome are pesticides in produce. It makes me uncomfortable to think that while we are eating fruits and vegetables in reality we are also ingesting poisons that can…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Consuming mostly low to medium GI level foods is one of the best choices that you can make to get a health and lean body. If you are new to the glycemic index, it may sound overwhelming and confusing to you. So now I will give you six simple rules…
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Food & Recipes / Food How to 101
by Shannon Beineke Homemade ice cream has major advantages over store-bought versions. For one, you select the ingredients going into your dessert. Even better, you can have ice cream whenever you want – freshness guaranteed. The best part is having family and friends gather ’round to get creative. Making your…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Fast food restaurants are great, aren’t they? You only need to drive through, throw some money at the people in the window and they happily throw grease, salt, and sugar back at you. We all know fast food joints are necessary evils. Everybody is short on time and they can…
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Food & Recipes / Food Product Reviews
You need only to visit the section in any department store that displays bathroom scales to discover very quickly that analog scales are becoming dinosaurs. In fact, you will be hard pressed to find an analog scale these days. However, with all of the new scales on the market today,…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
by Michael Totten For the dieter, the key to choosing a healthy coffee drink is to know where the calories are hiding. Black coffee alone is calorie-free. As well, many studies are showing that coffee has health benefits. In moderation, coffee can half your risk of getting gallstones or Parkinson’s…
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