Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
As a lifestyle expert and designer I always find myself thinking outside the box and looking for inspiration and unexpected resources everywhere I go. This year — with a big focus on creativity and one stop shopping — I challenged myself not only purchase everything I need for a festive…
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Food & Recipes / Food Product Reviews
Should you go green? That is the question. We’re not talking about a quest for conservation. We’re talking about the heavily-hyped Debbie Meyer Green Bags that are supposed to increase the longevity of fruits and vegetables. So do they really work? We put these bags to the test. My husband…
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Food & Recipes / Food How to 101
There’s good news for health-conscious meat lovers — you can enjoy heart-friendly leaner varieties without having to choke down your meal for survival. These may be new methods to you, but they won’t require very many new tools or techniques. Fatty meat is dangerous for your circulatory system but your…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
What should you do if you are in the middle of a recipe and realize you are out of an ingredient? You could send your child to the local convenience store for cream cheese and end up having to serve your caviar with Velveeta because to a 13-year-old they are…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
“Summertime and the livin’ is easy…” George Gershwin’s famous “Summertime” lyrics capture the spirit of slow summer days and easy meal preparation. Time to turn off the oven and enjoy the cool pleasure of fruits, vegetables and chilled meat salads. Several idea prompters should get you started and encourage your…
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Food & Recipes / Food How to 101
In the days before we had non-stick cookware, we had the next best thing – seasoned cast iron cookware. While non-stick cookware has certainly outdone cast iron cookware in the non-stick category, cast iron pots and pans are still favored by many chefs, including the professionals because of their durability…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Cutting out fast-food lunches can be difficult in the beginning, but after a few weeks you’ll be sold. Your wallet may even get fatter while your waistline gets smaller! In order to “make over” your brown-bag lunch, you are going to need a few things. You will need some plastic…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Sometimes, the simplest thing that you can do to improve your overall diet is simply to adopt a more healthy cooking method. Rather than relying on fast food restaurants or prepared foods, you will find that by taking advantage of a healthy cooking method you will be able to get…
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Food & Recipes / Food How to 101
by Dawn Lewis Roasted peppers are a great way to bring out flavor and add unique flavors to many different dishes. Peppers, either sweet or hot, can be roasted in a variety of ways. Once they are roasted they can be added to salads, casseroles, sandwiches, and much more. Let’s…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Fast food restaurants are great, aren’t they? You only need to drive through, throw some money at the people in the window and they happily throw grease, salt, and sugar back at you. We all know fast food joints are necessary evils. Everybody is short on time and they can…
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