Food & Recipes / Food How to 101
Sushi has become a popular trend in many U.S. cities, even finding a home in the cold cases in many grocery stores. But one trip to your local sushi bar can cost upwards of $20 a person; not exactly something you’d want to do on a regular basis. The art…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
“Summertime and the livin’ is easy…” George Gershwin’s famous “Summertime” lyrics capture the spirit of slow summer days and easy meal preparation. Time to turn off the oven and enjoy the cool pleasure of fruits, vegetables and chilled meat salads. Several idea prompters should get you started and encourage your…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Before you set off on your next family walk or outing, try making one of these super easy trail mixes to keep your energy up. Quick Fix Mix 2 cups mini pretzels 1 cup cheese snack crackers 1 cup honey roasted peanuts 1 cup raisins Place all ingredients into a…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Sometimes, the simplest thing that you can do to improve your overall diet is simply to adopt a more healthy cooking method. Rather than relying on fast food restaurants or prepared foods, you will find that by taking advantage of a healthy cooking method you will be able to get…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Tacos are a staple of Mexican food. Those of us who love to eat Mexican food regularly include tacos in our weekly menus. Sometimes it is nice to keep concept and vary the theme so that every taco night isn’t exactly the same. These twists on taco night will keep…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
The mighty bean is a high-protein superstar. Just a quarter cup serving of any beans yields the same protein as an ounce of meat. Vegetarians already know how important they are to their diet. Others are just starting to understand the versatility and savings through the use of the economical…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Avocados are an ideal source for healthy fats and one of the most versatile fruits both in and out of the kitchen. High in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, they slow digestion, provide you with vitamins, and can be used for beauty treatments. Avocados and Your Diet In terms of…
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Food & Recipes / Food How to 101
A sizzling, succulent steak; just the thought of one makes your mouth water. But how hard it is to properly prepare the best beef? You can surely get a sublime grilled steak at a fancy steakhouse, but how many times have you been disappointed with the steaks at a friend…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
by Michael Totten For the dieter, the key to choosing a healthy coffee drink is to know where the calories are hiding. Black coffee alone is calorie-free. As well, many studies are showing that coffee has health benefits. In moderation, coffee can half your risk of getting gallstones or Parkinson’s…
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Food & Recipes / Healthy Bytes
Smoothies are a delicious example of a drink that can be made in the blender. You can be as creative as you like with the ingredients and experimenting with tastes and textures is a lot of fun. You can whiz up milk and fruit, mixed fruit with honey and much…
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