Numerology: How it Works

Numerology: How it Works

Horoscope / New Age

Numerology is the study of numbers. You’re born on a certain date; you die on a certain date. You live a certain number of days. Numerology is a system that calculates the karmic direction of your life. It examines why you are born and why you die on a particular…

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Cheap Psychic: Must-Knows Before Paying

Cheap Psychic: Must-Knows Before Paying

Horoscope / New Age

Author: Kyle Taylor A cheap psychic that is reliable is tough to find these days. We all remember the dreaded Miss Cleo years which has become better known for the lawsuits than the psychic revelations. Fortunately, there are legitimate psychics available. Here are some things to ask yourself before putting…

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Reiki Abundance and Prosperity

Reiki Abundance and Prosperity

Horoscope / New Age

by Samantha Hall Everyone deserves to be happy. In fact, this can only happen when there is abundance and prosperity which happen to be the basic principles of Reiki. Abundance and prosperity Reiki can only be achieved by following the five principles namely give cheerfully, change your voice if you…

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The Power of the Feng Shui Colors

The Power of the Feng Shui Colors

Horoscope / New Age

Feng shui is basically the art of incorporating happiness and prosperity in a home by making some changes in the house of office. And according to feng shui, one thing that has lots of influence in your day to day luck is the color around you. With the right knowledge…

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Achieve a Balance: Feng Shui All the Way

Achieve a Balance: Feng Shui All the Way

Horoscope / New Age

by Tim Lapkovski Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese belief that involves studying natural and the built environments. The arrangements of these objects affect the yin and the yang, as well as the energy of a room. Feng Shui has developed into many different versions based on religion, geography, symbolism…

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Basics of Crystal Healing

Basics of Crystal Healing

Horoscope / New Age

Crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine in which subtle energy given off by a crystal is used to treat the body, the mind, and the spirit. Since crystals emit beneficial energetic vibrations, introducing them into one’s energy field can actually help to repair energetic imbalances within the ethereal…

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Wondering About Reiki?

Wondering About Reiki?

Horoscope / New Age

by Marjorie Geiser Friends, colleagues and clients often ask me about Reiki (pronounced “ray-kee”), as it is gaining such popularity as an alternative medicine. According to NCCAM, (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine), Reiki is an energy medicine practice that originated in Japan. In Reiki, the practitioner places his…

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