Horoscope / New Age
Author: Kyle Taylor A cheap psychic that is reliable is tough to find these days. We all remember the dreaded Miss Cleo years which has become better known for the lawsuits than the psychic revelations. Fortunately, there are legitimate psychics available. Here are some things to ask yourself before putting…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Richard Johnson In Reiki, breathing techniques and methods are one of the devices used to help with a change of energy flow and healing. Learning the breathing techniques in Reiki is one of the first steps in knowing how to use the energy change process for healing. Reiki utilizes…
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Horoscope / New Age
Ask any woman that question about her jewelry and you will probably get a clear answer. Most of us, both men and women, have a distinct preference for one metal over the other. Our preference is not determined only by the monetary value of gold or silver — we are…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Stephen Betzen There is a harmonious marriage shared by wind chimes and the natural forces of nature. As air current moves against the striker or clapper of the wind chimes, it knocks against the tuned pipes, which in turn sends waves of a reverberating “song,” carried along by the…
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