Horoscope / Astrology
by John Lloyd Astrology has existed since time began. Through the study of the planets and signs of the zodiac your future can be forecasted and an understanding of your real self can be known. This is commonly known as horoscopes. At your exact time of birth all the planets,…
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Horoscope / New Age
Sleep is very important for the overall health of a person; so if you have difficulty sleeping, it is always better to follow these feng shui tips for better sleep and health. A very important feng shui tip is to avoid sleeping with the head towards the door. This is…
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Horoscope / New Age
Getting Started with Aromatherapy Beginning “bona fide” aromatherapy, beyond burning a scented candle or soaking with a pleasing pre-packaged bath salt blend, can be a little daunting to many people. All those little bottles of pricey liquids, electric contraptions, and fancy-sounding blends — how does one actually use essential oils…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Michelle Andersen Tarot astrology is the system through which a reading of the cards in a tarot deck helps you through troubled times by offering a reflection on your past, present and future. Tarot is closely associated with astrology as each card relates to a planet, element, or astrological…
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Horoscope / New Age
There are many Reiki symbols that have already been revealed, and each of them is thought to possess a unique vibration of energy. At one point, they didn’t have any names and were simply numbered from one to five. But later on, each one of them stood for something and…
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Horoscope / New Age
Money is something everyone needs and wants. Besides using hard work, here are some feng shui tips to remember to generate more money. The first thing to remember is that there are financial power spots in your office, living room, bedroom and kitchen. These spots are found in the corner…
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Horoscope / Astrology
How much do you know about Chinese horoscope compatibility for animal signs? Do you know what your Chinese astrology zodiac sign is and what it reveals about you and your love life? Then this helpful guide is going to help you find out more… Since the ancient times, Chinese astrology…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Mike Z. Wang Have you ever wondered what feelings do you have when you look at bright red rose in the garden? Can you imagine if a garden that does not have colorful flowers but only the green foliage? Early in the morning when you see a newly opened…
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Horoscope / New Age
What is Feng Shui? Is it a myth or superstition? To be talking about Feng Shui, we all know that it is a traditional skill, which originates from the olden China. And to mention the olden China, it can’t be helped by many to relate Feng Shui to traditional Chinese…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Sally Jordonia The origins of the Tarot are surrounded with myth and lore. It is hard to know for sure what the facts are. The Tarot has been thought to come from places like India, Egypt, China and Morocco. Others say the Tarot was brought to us from the…
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