Horoscope / New Age
by Cucan Pemo For those that are looking to change their lives and want to take a fresh, organic and affordable path to that goal, Feng Shui is the answer. Feng Shui is much more than just organizing your belongings in a particular way to allow for optimal chi flow,…
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Horoscope / New Age
The word, Scientology means the study of truth and stems from two words: The Latin word, “scio” which means “knowing the fullest sense of the word” and the Greek word, “logos” which translates to “study of.” This relatively new religion studies the spirit (or Thetan as Scientologists call it) and…
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Horoscope / Astrology
by Samantha Stevens Each Sun sign in astrology also has its shadow side, which is why the very first thing I do when I fall in love is grab that person’s birthdate! I want to know how that person is going to treat me once the first bloom of love…
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Horoscope / Astrology
By Theresa DeLay – DietsInReview.com For some, following the Zodiac is a way of life. Whether a sun sign or a water sign, you can chock up a lot about who you are, and how are others are, based on when you were born and the alignment of the sun,…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Cucan Pemo There are many, many ways to read Tarot cards, but it helps to have a consistent method that you use each time — this way, you can think less about how you’re going to read and focus completely on your subject, the cards and their meaning. A…
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Horoscope / New Age
Ask any woman that question about her jewelry and you will probably get a clear answer. Most of us, both men and women, have a distinct preference for one metal over the other. Our preference is not determined only by the monetary value of gold or silver — we are…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Master Jon Sim The use of water feature has been widely applied in Feng Shui practice. It is believed to be able to create wealth and good fortune by many. But this is however not true. Water does not in any way represent wealth, abundance and prosperity. By the…
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Horoscope / New Age
by R.L. Hanlon Feng shui translates literally to “wind” and “water” and is an ancient Chinese practice that dates back more than 3,000 years. Feng shui is about balancing the natural energies and elements of the earth and incorporating them into our lives to attract auspicious energies. The earth and…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Marjorie Geiser Friends, colleagues and clients often ask me about Reiki (pronounced “ray-kee”), as it is gaining such popularity as an alternative medicine. According to NCCAM, (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine), Reiki is an energy medicine practice that originated in Japan. In Reiki, the practitioner places his…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Tim Lapkovski Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese belief that involves studying natural and the built environments. The arrangements of these objects affect the yin and the yang, as well as the energy of a room. Feng Shui has developed into many different versions based on religion, geography, symbolism…
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