Horoscope / Astrology
What is a Natal Chart? If you look at the words “natal chart’ you could read them another way — “birth map” — this may help you understand what is being talked about. Basically, the natal chart is a map of the sky including the positions of the planets for…
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Horoscope / New Age
There are many Reiki symbols that have already been revealed, and each of them is thought to possess a unique vibration of energy. At one point, they didn’t have any names and were simply numbered from one to five. But later on, each one of them stood for something and…
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Horoscope / New Age
By Sara Sirolli Palmistry is one of those subjects, like politics and religion, that evokes strong opinions, usually for or against. It surprises me that in this day and age and in this atmosphere of information sharing there are still so many gray areas surrounding the science! Without “letting the…
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Horoscope / New Age
Sleep is very important for the overall health of a person; so if you have difficulty sleeping, it is always better to follow these feng shui tips for better sleep and health. A very important feng shui tip is to avoid sleeping with the head towards the door. This is…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Cucan Pemo It is taking the world by storm. That’s right, more and more people are joining the new age revolution and seeking out the help of Feng Shui to change their lives and bring balance into their world. Meaning literally wind and water, Feng Shui is the ancient…
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Horoscope / New Age
Tarot images have been used to create positive affirmations, or explore the emotional background of an illness. This will certainly do no harm, it might even do considerable good. Tarot can be used as a tool to explore the realms of wellness, the harmony of mind, body and spirit….
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Horoscope / New Age
In today’s society where most people are living in an urban jungle, it is becoming more difficult to find a house with good feng shui. If we were to look around our surroundings, we will notice that we are living in an environment that is surrounded by lots of manmade…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Samantha Hall Everyone deserves to be happy. In fact, this can only happen when there is abundance and prosperity which happen to be the basic principles of Reiki. Abundance and prosperity Reiki can only be achieved by following the five principles namely give cheerfully, change your voice if you…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Sally Jordonia The origins of the Tarot are surrounded with myth and lore. It is hard to know for sure what the facts are. The Tarot has been thought to come from places like India, Egypt, China and Morocco. Others say the Tarot was brought to us from the…
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Horoscope / New Age
Numerology is the study of numbers. You’re born on a certain date; you die on a certain date. You live a certain number of days. Numerology is a system that calculates the karmic direction of your life. It examines why you are born and why you die on a particular…
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