Love / Intimacy
Hollywood A-listers like Tiger Woods, David Duchovny, and Jesse James have accidentally pioneered the acknowledgement of sexual addiction as a serious problem. However it may appear in the tabloids, sex addiction is real and it can be the root of a number of problems that can affect the rest of…
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Love / Intimacy
You might think that just because you are entering a strip club that you can act the way you want. Sure, it is a place where the rules are a little more relaxed, but that does not mean that you can behave inappropriately or act outrageous. Here are some dos…
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Love / Intimacy
Thinking about sending a naughty picture to your honey’s phone, just to have a little fun, maybe to get psyched for a special evening the two of you have planned? Before you hit send, you may want to think twice. These days, it seems there is new technology out nearly…
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Love / Intimacy
Who says there’s no such thing as bad sex? While most men might argue that bad sex is better than no sex or that beggars can’t be choosers, that’s honestly far from the truth. Sometimes sex just isn’t memorable. The good news is that if you’ve found someone you really…
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Love / Intimacy
Things aren’t always hot and heavy in relationships. Sometimes, life gets in the way, and you and your guy hit a dry spell in the bedroom. It could be because you’ve got a crazy busy work schedule and just can’t make time for it, or maybe you guys have been…
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Love / Intimacy
It’s normal that after spending years as a couple, your sex life becomes a little stale. The urge to do it with your lover has reached its plateau. Sex has become a part of the chores. Those sizzling, sweltering, tantric, sex has somehow become the thing of the past. Although…
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Love / Intimacy
One of the most common yet manageable types of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs is genital herpes. The herpes simplex virus can be present in many parts of the body, and genital herpes is the form that results from contact of the sexual organs of an infected partner. While herpes…
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Love / Intimacy
Have you been wishing lately that your honey had more yin than yang or was more like a babbling brook instead of rushing rapids? You are not alone. If your fellow is suffering from too much testosterone lately, then maybe you need to help him ease up on the accelerator…
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Love / Intimacy
You’re having sex and all of sudden something unexpected happens. All you want to do is crawl into a hole and never come out. However, someone else is underneath you ready to burst. What do you do? Check out the 5 most cringe-worthy moments people experience when having sex. What?…
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Love / Intimacy
Seven seems to be a prominent number. There are the 7 days of the week, the 7 wonders of the world and of course the 7 deadly sins. However, did you know that there are also the 7 sinful kissing techniques based upon the 7 deadly sins? In ancient times,…
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