Love / Intimacy
One of the most common yet manageable types of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs is genital herpes. The herpes simplex virus can be present in many parts of the body, and genital herpes is the form that results from contact of the sexual organs of an infected partner. While herpes…
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Love / Intimacy
If you’re sexually active, STDs, or sexually transmitted diseases, are a real threat. According to statistics, 1 in every 5 people in the United States suffers from an STD; that’s 20% of our population! If you’re not careful, you could sleep with someone in this 20% and become an STD…
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Love / Intimacy
Oh no, I forgot to take my pill today! What? We used the last one last night? I don’t have time to run to the pharmacy today! I have to wait how long before I can try to get pregnant? If lately you have found yourself uttering these words and…
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Love / Intimacy
Sex is healthy – it burns calories, prevents heart disease, encourages low blood pressure, keeps your stress in check and tones up your muscles. As a matter of scientific fact, at least 2 orgasms per week can even increase your life expectancy. That’s right: have sex often, live a long…
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Love / Intimacy
Been feeling the doldrums in the ol’ boudoir? Has the hotness of your bedroom cooled over the years? Take a good look at your bedroom. How does it make you feel? Sometimes we need just a little inspiration to get the juices flowing. Here are six ways to transform your…
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Love / Intimacy
Seven seems to be a prominent number. There are the 7 days of the week, the 7 wonders of the world and of course the 7 deadly sins. However, did you know that there are also the 7 sinful kissing techniques based upon the 7 deadly sins? In ancient times,…
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Love / Intimacy
Have you been wishing lately that your honey had more yin than yang or was more like a babbling brook instead of rushing rapids? You are not alone. If your fellow is suffering from too much testosterone lately, then maybe you need to help him ease up on the accelerator…
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Love / Intimacy
Sex can be exciting with your new guy for a while, but then it starts to get boring. Same position, same location, same time. What can you do to spice things up? Add some sex toys to the mix. Sure, the thought of sex toys can make even the naughtiest…
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Love / Intimacy
Contrary to popular belief, safe sex does not equal lame sex. In fact, having good sexual health habits keeps sex fun. No one wants to deal with the discomfort that accompanies certain STDs – burning urination is definitely not fun, and we all know about the consequences of some of…
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Love / Intimacy
Water is sensual. It feels good against your skin, you’re half or fully naked, and there’s no need for lubrication. What more could you ask for? If you have a difficult time thinking of something new, don’t worry. We have some of the best sex moves to make in water….
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