Love / Love Tips
People react to divorce in different ways, depending on the circumstances. But at least those of us who aren’t famous don’t have to watch the breakup – and its fallout — play out publicly. Regular people have to deal with the judgment of their families and friends, which is bad…
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Love / Love Tips
You know you should use them to prevent STDs and pregnancy, but what can you do when he says it lessens his pleasure? Well, a new study found that sex isn’t necessarily better without a condom. Research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that with and without a…
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Love / Love Tips
With all the anti-bullying campaigns going around among kids and parents, you’d think everyone would know what a bully looks like. But some people may be sleeping with a bully and not even realize it. Bullying doesn’t have to incorporate physical abuse at all. In fact, a bully can be…
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Love / Love Tips
When it comes to turn-ons, some people are…shall we say…unique in their preferences. With the advent of erotica like 50 Shades of Grey, all kinds of kinkiness and fetishes are going more mainstream. A fetish, or paraphilia in scientific terms, is an object, practice or body part that becomes a…
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Love / Love Tips
On a regular basis, there’s probably only one set of genitalia you see on a regular basis – your own (and maybe your partner’s, if you have one). Other than that, you might see privates depicted in art or pornography. If you do, then you might notice a vast difference…
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Love / Love Tips
Being in a relationship with a person who is or was addicted to drugs or alcohol is a challenge, to say the least. Addiction becomes a disease that not only affects the user, but also the whole family when spouses or partners and children are affected. Thus, the whole family…
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Love / Love Tips
Johnny Depp tends to be a fashion pioneer, and the bling he sports is no exception. Depp and soon-to-be-ex Amber Heard had a fairly traditional engagement, aside from one little accessory — Depp’s own engagement ring. In fact, the ring he sported on that finger was very similar to the…
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Love / Love Tips
It seems like logic would dictate that a divorcee would learn from his or her mistakes and not make them the second time around, right? Not necessarily. Second marriages seem to be an opportunity to right the wrongs that happened the first time around, but they don’t always play out…
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Love / Love Tips
Most people know about sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs. Many kids learn about them in school, and people of a certain age remember the fear of AIDS in the ’80s and ’90s all too well. However, even armed with this knowledge, the prevalence of STDs is higher than ever, according…
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Love / Love Tips
Relationships are all about give and take. But when one partner does more giving and less taking, then that person isn’t getting what he or she needs out of the relationship. Get the balance right by gauging whether or not you’re entitled to much more in a relationship. Often, low…
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