Is it OK to Forego the Condom?

Is it OK to Forego the Condom?

Love / Love Tips

Most people know that condoms serve the dual purpose of protecting against sexually transmitted diseases and preventing pregnancy. But in a recent survey from the American Sexual Health Association, up to 40 percent of women say they’re more likely to have sex without a condom if they’ve been drinking. The…

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Why Cuddling Counts

Why Cuddling Counts

Love / Love Tips

It seems like most men can’t wrap their heads – or their arms – around the concept of cuddling. Ironically, that couldn’t be further from the truth. New research shows that it’s men who secretly love to be smothered by their loved ones. A study conducted by The Kinsey Institute…

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Improve Your Performance in Bed

Improve Your Performance in Bed

Love / Love Tips

Nobody wants to think they’re bad in bed, but sadly, you might be ruining your game with certain bedtime habits. Take a look at your surroundings, your performance and your routines to see if you might be turning him off. First, does your boudoir look more like an office than…

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Hollywood’s Big Surprises…Below the Belt

Hollywood’s Big Surprises…Below the Belt

Love / Love Tips

With the advent of social media, sexting and sex tapes, it’s pretty easy to find out the below-the-belt business of major Hollywood stars. But do you know which A-List stars’ not-so-private parts are the biggest in La-La Land? Based on quotes from former paramours and even some actual photographic evidence,…

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Tears After Lovemaking? What It Means

Tears After Lovemaking? What It Means

Love / Love Tips

You and your partner have just undergone a major nookie session. It was good for everyone,  and after you both reach orgasm, there’s nothing you want to do more than cry, right? It sounds completely bizarre, but many people find themselves in tears after having sex. And guess what? It’s…

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Addicted to Love: Not Just a Song

Addicted to Love: Not Just a Song

Love / Love Tips

There are many types of addiction – substance, gambling, food, sex…the list goes on. But it seems like everyone could use more love in their lives, right? For some people, however, love becomes all-consuming. The emotional high of contact with another person who shows interest or love for the other…

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How to Dress for Your First Date

How to Dress for Your First Date

Love / Love Tips

Perhaps the most stressful part of a first date once plans are made is deciding on your look for the evening. Unless you’re going for couples’ massages, to the beach or hiking, then it probably means you’ll be dressing up a little. Many people say they want to just “be…

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Stop Saying You’re Sorry for Everything!

Stop Saying You’re Sorry for Everything!

Love / Love Tips

When “sorry” seems to be the easiest word, then you might want to take a closer look at what’s going on in your relationship. Apologizing when you’ve truly committed a wrong act is honorable; saying you’re sorry when you’re not or apologizing for the most innocuous infractions may indicate deeper…

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Collaborate for a Great Divorce

Collaborate for a Great Divorce

Love / Love Tips

It’s rare to see couples who are divorcing in the same room, getting along and compromising. Usually, splitting spouses approach one another in the stereotypical acrimonious fashion and duke it out in court. But for those who are committed to a civil – and more private — divorce, there’s another…

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