Love / Relationships
Most people don’t purposely set out to cheat on their partner. It’s unlikely someone wakes up one morning and adds infidelity to his or her agena. It just happens. Unfortunately, cheaters never prosper, especially when they get caught in the fact. And the fallout can often be catastrophic for everyone…
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Love / Intimacy
Have you been wishing lately that your honey had more yin than yang or was more like a babbling brook instead of rushing rapids? You are not alone. If your fellow is suffering from too much testosterone lately, then maybe you need to help him ease up on the accelerator…
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Love / Love Tips
Ahh…there’s really no better way to show some love to a stressed-out significant other than with a soothing massage. The power of touch can do wonders not only to soothe strained muscles, but also to calm the mind. Massages boost energy and increase concentration, so it’s great for workaholics and…
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Love / Love Tips
It sounds like a contradiction, with many women of a certain age stereotypically complaining about their biological clocks, but a recent survey done by the Associated Press found that more men want kids than women. Of those who already had kids, eight out of 10 fathers said they’d always wanted…
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Love / Love Tips
The elusive G-spot is like spotting Bigfoot for men – it’s existence is stuff of legend, and no one really is sure where it is or how to access it. But for men who want to please their female partners, it’s the Holy Grail of getting it on. So here’s…
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Love / Relationships
Boys will be boys. Unfortunately, that can add up to one big headache for many women. Even the best guys have their flaws and habits that drive us up the wall; however, most man-mistakes aren’t made purely to piss you off. We decode some of guys most mystifying and irritating…
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Love / Intimacy
Can sensual massage break the barrier of silence between couples? Silence or lack of communication is attributed as one of the reasons for breaking up a marriage. The increasing cases of separation and divorce point to lack of bonding and communication between couple which earlier generations had. It wasn’t a…
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Love / Love Tips
What happens when professional relationships suddenly turn personal? We’re talking about those workplace romances that are certain to get tongues wagging. If work and play have suddenly become intertwined, you are in good company. A survey conducted by determined that an estimated 40 percent of employees have gotten involved…
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Love / Love Tips
Niche dating sites are all the rage these days. There is someone for everyone, as the old saying goes, and that adage has never been truer. What is a niche site, you ask? Basically, it’s for people looking for a really specific type of person. And we’re not talking about a man…
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Love / Love Tips
After getting dumped, the last thing you might think to do is try to glean something positive out of a breakup. Most people associate negative emotions with a breakup, particularly if they were the one who got the boot. It’s hard not to ruminate about what went wrong, replaying it…
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