Love / Love Tips
“Forgive and forget” goes the old saying. But when you’ve been wronged, forgiving the person who hurt you is easier said than done. And it may even seem ludicrous to even consider allowing someone to “get away with” whatever transgression they committed against you. But when you consider the benefits…
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Love / Love Tips
Ending a relationship stinks, and it may be even worse when you have to end a relationship with a friend. When you’re young and just learning how to support your friends and what to expect from platonic relationships, it’s easy to overlook potential problems, like narcissism, liars, bad secret keepers…
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Love / Relationships
Breaking up is hard to do. It can be hard even if you are the initiator or if you are the one being dumped. Why are they so hard? First, if you are the one being dumped, the pain you feel can be enormous. Second, if you are the initiator,…
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Love / Love Tips
After a breakup – messy or otherwise – there are a few “what not to dos” when it comes to social media. One difficult temptation you may face after a breakup is checking out your ex on social media sites like Facebook. It seems innocent enough to want to know…
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Love / Love Tips
In a relationship, there are many things that attract you to your mate. For example, a sense of humor ranks high on people’s list of must-haves for a potential mate. Compatibility is determined by multiple factors, one of which is your age difference. Is it important to consider the impact…
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Love / Love Tips
Domestic violence is a major problem for women – and men – and its effects are devastating. But a more subtle form of abuse is equally problematic, and its signs are more difficult to see than telltale bruises and black eyes. Emotional abuse is as painful as physical abuse, but…
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Love / Relationships
By Michael Corrano Sadly, when couples reach a point where they can no longer communicate with one another and all roads to reconciliation are closed, they tend to believe it is the end, when in fact, in most cases it is very likely a grounds for a breakthrough, and not…
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Love / Love Tips
Despite what you might think, sex is not the name of the game when it comes to being intimate with someone. In fact, you can achieve a level of intimacy without ever doing the deed. Intimacy is actually the foundation of a strong relationship. When you are looking to strengthen…
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Love / Love Tips
For many singletons, it feels like the return on the investment you make while dating will never pay off in love. When your dating life feels like a hamster on a wheel, it’s hard to feel positive about your future. But it is definitely possible to bloom where you’re planted,…
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Love / Love Tips
Many modern couples are eschewing the tradition of the bride paying for everything that has to do with the wedding once engaged. Both parties are chipping in for everything from the cake, venue and even the attire. But it’s been virtually unheard of for the person who proposes to ask…
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