Love / Intimacy
Trust is an important part of any relationship. If you don’t have faith in your boyfriend or husband, the connection you share can’t help but feel hollow. Yet, like everything else that matters in life, the bond you have with your significant other isn’t black and white. The gray areas…
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Love / Relationships
Ask your man about his idea of a hot movie to get you in the mood, and it’s likely you’ll get a one-word answer: porn. The notion makes many of us ladies wrinkle our noses, but why is that? It probably has something to do with the way we’re wired….
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Love / Love Tips
With greater acceptance of the LGBT community, young adults and even teenagers are coming out earlier and earlier to their friends, families and even in the workplace. So if you know that you’re gay and are ready to share the news, then there are a few ways to do it….
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Love / Love Tips
They’re comedians’ punchlines, the subject of country music songs and a giant pain in your butt – but they don’t have to be. We’re talking about your mate’s parents – the in-laws. There’s a stereotype that in-laws cannot and will not ever get along, but it’s actually possible not only…
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Love / Intimacy
Been feeling the doldrums in the ol’ boudoir? Has the hotness of your bedroom cooled over the years? Take a good look at your bedroom. How does it make you feel? Sometimes we need just a little inspiration to get the juices flowing. Here are six ways to transform your…
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Love / Relationships
We’re all familiar with couples that decide to live separately for a while before actually getting divorced. And typically, these couples use this “trial separation” to decide whether or not they want to pursue formal legal action. These days, however, more and more couples are deciding to remain separated, rather…
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Love / Love Tips
Almost nothing feels better than making a really strong connection with someone you don’t know. This sort of “friendship chemistry” happens when you and a person hit it off platonically, and you end up making a new friend. It’s sometimes like starting a new romantic relationship in that you want…
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Love / Love Tips
But sometimes you get that niggling feeling that a woman giving your man attention is doing so to get some attention back from him. Sometimes you might get the feeling she’d like you out of the picture completely. So when should you listen to that inner voice that tells you…
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Love / Intimacy
Whether it’s going to the same restaurant every week, doing laundry every Wednesday, or hitting the sack at exactly 11 p.m. every night, routines can get boring. Similarly, having sex with the same person – and only that person – for a long period of time can get boring, too….
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Love / Love Tips
Does it seem like your relationship revolves around your partner, leaving you out in the cold? Is he distant much of the time, seeming to prefer his own misery to your company? It’s possible your mate is a narcissist. Perhaps you think of a narcissist as someone who loves himself…
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