Love / Relationships
You’ve just had another argument with your partner, accompanied by that all too familiar sinking feeling: Is this the beginning of the end? And deeper, you wonder if there is such a thing as true romance. You’ve been through a failed relationship already and wonder what more you can do…
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Love / Relationships
The buzz word for saving a marriage nowadays seems to be “communicate’. It is as if it will automatically zip up all conflicts and resolve all hurts. It may seem a simple word but it can be quite difficult for one to practice. There are some pointers for a couple…
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Love / Love Tips
He’s a big, strong man who will slay dragons and open doors for old ladies – until he catches the sniffles, that is. We’re talking about guys who go from alpha male to pathetic baby before you can say “Tamiflu.” It may seem super-annoying that the world seems to revolve…
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Love / Love Tips
Is your new love interest ready to get serious or just jerking you around? There are plenty of ways to tell if he wants to take it to the next level or is simply satisfied keeping things casual. If you want to know if your new romance is going to…
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Love / Love Tips
Spending the holidays without a mate might seem like a bleak prospect for some single people. The thought of having someone to share gifts, fireside cuddles and traditions is appealing, and it can be disappointing if it doesn’t happen. But there are some major benefits of handling the holidays solo….
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Love / Intimacy
You might think that just because you are entering a strip club that you can act the way you want. Sure, it is a place where the rules are a little more relaxed, but that does not mean that you can behave inappropriately or act outrageous. Here are some dos…
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Love / Love Tips
It seems like the self-help people who call themselves “coaches” can help you get any aspect of your life together. Life, business and financial coaches make a killing by directing and guiding people through life, and they now can do the same for people who are working through breakups. Reportedly,…
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Love / Intimacy
Role playing can turn a drab, ordinary sex life into a passionate, exciting one in just one night. It’s amazing what dressing up and acting like someone else can do to you — mentally and sexually. When you role play, you remove yourself from reality. You and your partner get…
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Love / Love Tips
“Let’s just be friends.” It’s the infamous phrase people use when trying to lessen the blow of a breakup. But it’s rarely meant as a sincere sentiment. There are very few people who can recover from a breakup and emerge as friends – but it’s not impossible. Here are a…
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Love / Intimacy
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past several months, you’ve undoubtedly heard the rave reviews surrounding E.L. James’ book “50 Shades of Grey.” This instant literary phenomenon tells the story of a college student who is being courted into signing a contract to be a “submissive” where…
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