How To Handle Money Matters In Marriage

How To Handle Money Matters In Marriage

Love / Relationships

It is good to know what your spouse does with all their money but it is not necessary. Make life easier in your marriage and avoid quarrels by understanding what value your partner puts to money. Financial issues are extremely sensitive in most relationship/marriage more than sexual matters. The secret…

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Relationship Lies that are OK to Tell

Relationship Lies that are OK to Tell

Love / Relationships

One out of three conversations between non-married couples contains a lie, according to psychologist Bella DePaulo, and one out of every 10 conversations between married couples contains a lie. How many do you tell in your relationship? Lying is something everyone does, and it’s not always wrong. Serious lies that…

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A-Listed: Celebrity Cheaters

A-Listed: Celebrity Cheaters

Love / Relationships

The rich, famous and beautiful aren’t immune from the woes of infidelity and heartbreak. In fact, some of Hollywood’s hottest celebrities have been branded with a scarlet letter for stepping out on their significant others. And sometimes bouncing back from a tarnished relationship can be a public relations nightmare.   Check…

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Romantic Movies Your Partner Will Love

Romantic Movies Your Partner Will Love

Love / Relationships

There’s nothing like a night of chick-flicks with your girlfriends but watching movies with your man can be a completely different story. Instead of suffering through another slasher or action film, try these picks that will put you both in a romantic mood and can satisfy your need for sap…

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When Should You Take It Personally?

When Should You Take It Personally?

Love / Relationships

We hear so often, “Don’t take it personally.” What does this really mean? The answer is NOT simple! Let’s say that you are in a great mood, feeling loving and expansive, and someone – either someone close to you or a stranger like a clerk in a store – is…

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First-Date Dealbreakers

First-Date Dealbreakers

Love / Relationships

Everyone has their own take on their personal turn-ons and turn-offs, but there are a few bumps in the road that shouldn’t be ignored and can even stop a relationship in its tracks. How do you know if those quirks are dealbreakers? Here’s a list of red flags to look…

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Spouseless and the Holidays

Spouseless and the Holidays

Love / Relationships

One of the worst scenarios during the holidays is to have lost a spouse and face being alone. As a widower I have firsthand experience with this topic. I now understand that I needed to experience such a loss to know how important the ability to love is to life….

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