Love / Relationships
Most people don’t purposely set out to cheat on their partner. It’s unlikely someone wakes up one morning and adds infidelity to his or her agena. It just happens. Unfortunately, cheaters never prosper, especially when they get caught in the fact. And the fallout can often be catastrophic for everyone…
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Love / Relationships
Love is blind, which could explain why so many women settle for jerks. Jerks with a capital J, the kind of guys your mom and dad warned you about. That’s right. We said it. Consider this your official jerk alert. Not sure your man if your man fits the bill?…
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Love / Relationships
A picture is worth a thousand words, especially when it’s of you in a compromising position. It goes without saying that your assets are for his eyes only. However, some men and women find the notion of staging a sexy photo shoot exciting. Whether you are looking for pictures to…
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Love / Relationships
Friends? Lovers? Or somewhere in between? At one time in our lives, most of us have contemplated entering into an infamous “friends with benefits” agreement. If you’ve seen recent rom-coms including Friends with Benefits or No Strings Attached, you know just the type of dynamic we’re talking about. It’s the…
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Love / Relationships
Almost every couple has to go through periods of time when they’re apart; people have to work, and business trips are just a fact of life for many couples. For some couples, that constant separation can eventually take its toll on the relationship. We all know that romance is essential…
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Love / Relationships
If you are looking for a fun and exciting way to spice up your bedroom when the most romantic night of the year rolls around, why not start with your five senses? Creating a sensory, romantic ambiance with your five senses is sure to put an exclamation point at the…
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Love / Relationships
What do you do when you are in love and your friends do not like your new Love? You really like this person, they makes you happy and things are going well. Things stop going well within you, however, when you begin to feel in the middle of your friends…
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Love / Relationships
It is too easy to get stuck in habituated patterns in a marriage that become rote and uninspiring. As we get too familiar with our partners we can become more like siblings, lacking desire. There are so many ways to make your marriage juicy. You have to decide it is…
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Love / Relationships
An enabler is a person who by their actions makes it easier for an addict to continue their self-destructive behavior by criticizing or rescuing. The term codependency refers to a relationship where one or both parties enable the other to act in certain maladaptive ways. Many times, the act of…
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Love / Relationships
Love is not predictable, so why should dating have rules? Well, the reason for this is that when women follow their hearts and not their heads during dating, the way that they act around men is not always in their own best interests. You can’t expect to treat a man…
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