Love Him from a Long Distance: 5 Secrets

Love Him from a Long Distance: 5 Secrets

Love / Relationships

Some people may say that it is impossible to keep the fires burning on a long-distance relationship. Others reply that simply isn’t true because absence makes the heart grow fonder. So who is right? The survivability of your long-distance romance will depend on the type of relationship you have built….

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Should You Have an Open Marriage?

Should You Have an Open Marriage?

Love / Relationships

Researchers estimate that up to 6 percent of marriages are considered “open” – that is, partners have an arrangement in which they are not monogamous with their spouses – but is an open marriage an option in your relationship? First of all, the definition of what constitutes an open relationship…

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Do Opposites Really Attract?

Do Opposites Really Attract?

Love / Relationships

They say opposites attract, but do they really? In its most basic sense, an opposite is someone who is different. But not all differences are attractive. For instance, you might be on the shy side. Yet you have always admired those who are bold and brash. Therefore, you might be…

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4 Hottest Movies to Get You Going

4 Hottest Movies to Get You Going

Love / Relationships

Ask your man about his idea of a hot movie to get you in the mood, and it’s likely you’ll get a one-word answer: porn. The notion makes many of us ladies wrinkle our noses, but why is that? It probably has something to do with the way we’re wired….

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Thoughts on Saving Your Marriage

Thoughts on Saving Your Marriage

Love / Relationships

By Michael Corrano Sadly, when couples reach a point where they can no longer communicate with one another and all roads to reconciliation are closed, they tend to believe it is the end, when in fact, in most cases it is very likely a grounds for a breakthrough, and not…

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6 Signs He’s a Jerk

6 Signs He’s a Jerk

Love / Relationships

Love is blind, which could explain why so many women settle for jerks. Jerks with a capital J, the kind of guys your mom and dad warned you about. That’s right. We said it. Consider this your official jerk alert.  Not sure your man if your man fits the bill?…

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5 Gay Marriage Splits That Stunned

5 Gay Marriage Splits That Stunned

Love / Relationships

Same-sex celebrity couples weather the same types of storms as any hetero pair, including cheating partners, miscommunication and plain old personality conflicts. And just like straight couples, some gay marriage splits come as a complete shocker. Below are 5 high-profile breakups that stunned.  1. Jane Lynch and Lara Embry  In…

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Seven Secrets to Make True Romance Last

Seven Secrets to Make True Romance Last

Love / Relationships

You’ve just had another argument with your partner, accompanied by that all too familiar sinking feeling: Is this the beginning of the end? And deeper, you wonder if there is such a thing as true romance. You’ve been through a failed relationship already and wonder what more you can do…

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