Love / Relationships
Is on-again, off-again the story of your life? Plenty of couples break up to make up. It’s an age-old dilemma that even the best of us face. As romantics, we’re often compelled to rekindle that troubled romance and take another shot at love. But is it really okay to reconcile…
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Love / Relationships
Before you decide to do the deed with a guy (or girl), you need to pop the question. Well, five questions, to be exact. And that’s at the very least. Having sex is as intimate as it gets. So before you jump into the sack, there are definitely some things…
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Love / Relationships
Interpersonal relationships play a very crucial part in our lives; it is something that determines our personality. Any relationship in our lives has to be dealt with lots of love and patience whether it’s the first one or the ninth one, each of them needs to be nurtured with utmost…
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Love / Relationships
When conflict arises, are you the person who’s quick to apologize, wanting to sweep everything under the rug so the tension goes away? Or are you the one who tends to hold that hurt for a while, allowing the offensive words to gain a life of their own? Most of…
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Love / Relationships
We hear so often, “Don’t take it personally.” What does this really mean? The answer is NOT simple! Let’s say that you are in a great mood, feeling loving and expansive, and someone – either someone close to you or a stranger like a clerk in a store – is…
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Love / Relationships
We’re all familiar with couples that decide to live separately for a while before actually getting divorced. And typically, these couples use this “trial separation” to decide whether or not they want to pursue formal legal action. These days, however, more and more couples are deciding to remain separated, rather…
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Love / Relationships
If you are looking for a fun and exciting way to spice up your bedroom when the most romantic night of the year rolls around, why not start with your five senses? Creating a sensory, romantic ambiance with your five senses is sure to put an exclamation point at the…
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Love / Relationships
Boys will be boys. Unfortunately, that can add up to one big headache for many women. Even the best guys have their flaws and habits that drive us up the wall; however, most man-mistakes aren’t made purely to piss you off. We decode some of guys most mystifying and irritating…
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Love / Relationships
Our founding fathers understood that freedom is an essential part of human happiness and their words can be taken as excellent dating advice. While most of us value our freedom in everyday life, sometimes we can lose sight of it in the context of a romantic relationship. Excessive control is…
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