Where DO You Get the Time?

Where DO You Get the Time?

Moms / Mom Time

Why does it so often seem like you turn around and it’s midnight when you’re raising your kids? It seems like no matter what you do sometimes, there’s still a lot more work to do by the time you are ready to go to bed. What can you do? The…

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Can You Be Friends with Non-Moms?

Can You Be Friends with Non-Moms?

Moms / Mom Tips

There’s plenty to bond with other moms about, especially when your kids are the same age. But how do you make and retain those friends of yours who don’t have kids? Keeping things relatable on both sides is the key to retaining those friends who either don’t yet have kids,…

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10 Simple Tips to Make Children Become Smarter

10 Simple Tips to Make Children Become Smarter

Moms / Parenting

A supportive situation fosters numerous aspects of intelligence. The following 10 easy ways to stimulate intelligence in children will provide an “enriched environment” for brain growth. One: Love and Self-Esteem Improve Educational Performance In a extensive series of experiments, Prescott Lecky, an American educational researcher, found a high correlation between…

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Staying Well When the Kids Are Sick

Staying Well When the Kids Are Sick

Moms / Mom Time

Moms everywhere are familiar with the scenario: You’re nursing your child through a bout with a bad cold or stomach flu, knowing all the while that within a few days, you’ll be experiencing the same misery yourself. Before you had children, it was probably fairly easy to avoid catching illnesses;…

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Lessons from the Kitchen

Lessons from the Kitchen

Moms / Mom Tips

You may think of the kitchen as mom’s domain, but letting kids get a feel for the process of creating a meal teaches them more than how much work it really takes. When you let your kids help select foods at the grocery store, you teach them about nutrition. Discuss…

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7 Tips for a Successful Tree Takedown

7 Tips for a Successful Tree Takedown

Moms / Mom Tips

Face it. Although decorating for Christmas may be one of your favorite pastimes, there’s little enjoyable about undoing the fruits of your labor. And while your kids love to be in on the action when the decorating is being done, don’t expect the same enthusiasm on the flipside. If you…

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Procrastination: Stop the Madness

Procrastination: Stop the Madness

Moms / Mom Tips

Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? We’re talking about procrastination. It’s a hard habit you want to break your child of before it ever begins. Waiting until the last minute can make a stressful situation even more harrowing. How many times have you burned the midnight…

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High Blood Pressure: Is Your Child At Risk?

High Blood Pressure: Is Your Child At Risk?

Moms / Parenting

“High blood pressure in kids? That’s what my grandmother has!” Nearly 2 out of 3 American adults have unhealthy blood pressure. Hypertension, or high blood pressure (HBP), cuts off nearly 5 years from an average person’s life. It is more common beyond middle age. Hence, what comes to mind when…

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Super Summer Reading for All Ages

Super Summer Reading for All Ages

Moms / Mom Tips

There’s plenty to do inside on rainy summer days, and if you have a child who’s not a big reader, then there’s no time like summer to get him interested in books. They’re great to take along on road trips and airplanes, too, and it does today’s kids good to…

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