Moms / Activities
“It’s hot!” “I’m bored!” “There’s nothing to do!” Ah, the familiar refrains of summer… The dog days of summer leave many parents and caretakers desperate to find something — anything! — to keep the kids busy. Take a break from those monotonous moans and help yourself to this guide to…
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Moms / Activities
Is your child overweight? What does your child do when they come home from school? Have a snack and watch TV or play video games? Research and studies sho w that our children are growing more obese by the day. Many families all over North America are struggling to keep…
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Moms / Activities
Living with a teenager is challenging in and of itself; trying to assist a student who may not want help is even more difficult. Teens desire nothing more than independence from their parents. They crave autonomy even though they still want parental feedback and approval. Teens are known for testing…
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Moms / Activities
Just because you’re trying to keep the family on a sensible budget doesn’t mean you have to do without everything fun. Likewise, an economical evening with the family isn’t limited to a night of shadow puppets, though in the right context, even that can be a blast! Instead of dwelling…
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Moms / Activities
Really young children just don’t understand the concept of giving on particular holidays. Buying dad a tie or a coffee mug just doesn’t mean much to them. Young kids love to make things, though, so here are some common crafts that kids make for Father’s Day that you could try….
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Moms / Activities
Traveling with children can be enjoyable and fun with these family-friendly travel tips. No matter if you are traveling by plane, train or automobile you can have a pleasant experience if you prepare and plan ahead of time. Family-Friendly Travel by Plane Sometimes the best way to prepare for family…
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Moms / Activities
Having a bored child around the house is no fun for anyone. Kids have so much to entertain them these days that boredom doesn’t have to last for long, but it’s wise to look closely at what kinds of entertainment children are consuming. The most popular diversion for children is…
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Moms / Activities
The trappings of modern American culture-TiVo/high-speed Internet/texting–make it a special challenge for families to stay fit and active. Unless you and the kids walk or bike to work or school, chances are good that you have trouble squeezing in as much daily physical activity as your family needs. Even when…
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Moms / Activities
With a new set of video game systems coming out every few years it can be tough to decide the best system for your family’s needs. Unfortunately, because this is technology we’re talking about, “hand-me-downs” are mostly out of the question when it comes to game systems. Luckily, consoles are…
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Moms / Activities
As women, we’re inundated by ads for skincare products every day. They’re pitched to us on TV, in magazines, online and at the mall. Most of us have made a few unwise expenditures of alleged miracle creams, and came out of it wiser, more savvy shoppers. Now, as moms, we’re…
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