Volunteering as a Family

Volunteering as a Family

Moms / Activities

Volunteering is a great opportunity to promote family togetherness while doing something good for your community. Many volunteer activities can be fun, educational, great sources of exercise, or all of the above! It’s also a great opportunity to teach your children the value of helping others and making a positive…

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Toys That Teach Your Child

Toys That Teach Your Child

Moms / Activities

When your children are crying their hearts out, the first things that will shut them up are their toys. If you give them their toys while they are having their tantrums, they forget about where they are and just do what they do best: play. This piece of information proves…

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Let’s Get Moving!

Let’s Get Moving!

Moms / Activities

When it comes to physical activity, every little bit counts! LET’S GET MOVING month is designed to get you and your child to become more physically active. Children are less physically fit than they were a generation ago. In fact, inactive children, when compared to active children, weigh more and…

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The Best Bath Toys

The Best Bath Toys

Moms / Activities

Back when Ernie of “Bert and Ernie” fame sang his famous love song to his rubber duckie, millions of children could relate; the classic yellow rubber tub toy was the most popular (and in many cases the only) floating fun item to be found in the family bath tub. These…

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Why Do We Celebrate Grandparents Day?

Why Do We Celebrate Grandparents Day?

Moms / Activities

Grandparents Day began with the idea of honoring the elderly and championing the cause of the lonely in nursing and retirement homes. Marian McQuade, a housewife from West Virginia, brainstormed the idea, which was later to become a nationally recognized holiday, thanks to Jimmy Carter in 1978. Now the holiday…

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Appropriate Video Game Systems for Your Family

Appropriate Video Game Systems for Your Family

Moms / Activities

With a new set of video game systems coming out every few years it can be tough to decide the best system for your family’s needs. Unfortunately, because this is technology we’re talking about, “hand-me-downs” are mostly out of the question when it comes to game systems. Luckily, consoles are…

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5 Ways to Get Your Family Moving

5 Ways to Get Your Family Moving

Moms / Activities

The trappings of modern American culture-TiVo/high-speed Internet/texting–make it a special challenge for families to stay fit and active. Unless you and the kids walk or bike to work or school, chances are good that you have trouble squeezing in as much daily physical activity as your family needs. Even when…

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