Moms / Mom Time
We’re all aware that the body goes through some major changes over the years. Combinations of natural and man-made forces work together to push us further down the path to old age. It sounds depressing, but luckily we’re not totally helpless against this process. Staying fit and healthy makes all…
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Moms / Mom Time
Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent, a retiree or just want to dabble in a little moonlighting, there are several viable ways to make extra income – or even a living – at home. Do you know the best work-at-home jobs? Work-at-home jobs, sometimes referred to as telecommuting positions, are easier…
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Moms / Mom Time
Paula’s last child had just gone off to college and Paula was struggling with a deep inner emptiness. While she knew this day was coming, she was not really prepared for the intense hollowness that welled up within. After all, she had a life of her own. Her work as…
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Moms / Mom Time
Having at least some me-time everyday is important. But between kids, jobs, errands, maintaining a household and the other 10,000 things we do everyday, finding that time can be difficult, to say the least. Fortunately, almost all of us (if we really tried) could find 10 minutes somewhere in our…
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Moms / Mom Time
Winning is everything, especially when it comes to sweepstakes. The Internet is peppered with promises of lucrative cash giveaways, but it’s often hard to figure out which offers give you the most bang for your buck. The last thing you want to do is waste your time – and…
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Moms / Mom Time
Keeping fit is a goal for most women, but with kids, work, chores and a ton of other responsibilities, few of us have time to focus on getting (or staying) trim and healthy. A busy, on the go lifestyle sounds like it would be a good way to stay fit;…
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Moms / Mom Time
In the 18th and 19th centuries, American pioneer women spent months alone on the prairies raising their children, doing endless backbreaking chores, and protecting the homestead from countless sources of danger. Some of these women would go on to develop lifelong mental illnesses resulting from the continued stress and isolation….
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Moms / Mom Time
Stay-at-home moms are no longer just the co-stars from Leave It To Beaver, The Brady Bunch, and other television shows from a bygone era. Taking care of the kids has become the cool thing to do again for women in their 20s and 30s. According to the U.S. Census Bureau,…
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Moms / Mom Time
Remember the dating scene when you were younger? Maybe you were a fun party girl who hit the dance floor with your friends and went after what you wanted like a man-seeking missile. Or perhaps you were the quiet type who met prospective dates through friends and family and focused…
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Moms / Mom Time
If you look at a photo of a friend that was taken a few days after the birth of her child, she probably looks pretty good, in that new-mom sort of way. She’s likely exhausted and nowhere near ready for a night out, but she’s dreamy-eyed and glowing, caught up…
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