Moms / Mom Time
Ah, romance! Where would we be without it? Unfortunately, romance can easily be forgotten when careers, families, and the necessities of daily life become our primary focus. But romance is important for every couple, whether you’ve been together for 30 days or 30 years. Making a little time for romance…
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Moms / Mom Time
A relationship has its ups and downs and problems may crop up along the way. It is normal for couples to try and patch up things by themselves. However, there may be times that a couple may need help in resolving their conflicts, so they go to couples counseling. Couples…
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Moms / Mom Time
Keeping fit is a goal for most women, but with kids, work, chores and a ton of other responsibilities, few of us have time to focus on getting (or staying) trim and healthy. A busy, on the go lifestyle sounds like it would be a good way to stay fit;…
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Moms / Mom Time
If anyone needs some time for pampering and self-reflection, it’s a single mom. Single motherhood demands so much of a woman that it barely gives her time to sit back, breathe, and enjoy the moment. A partnered mom can ask her spouse to keep an eye on the kids while…
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Moms / Mom Time
The old saying “everything changes once you have kids” is a truth for the ages. There’s no part of life that isn’t touched by the experience of becoming a mom. For the most part, the changes are positive, but sometimes they can be emotionally difficult. When children come into our…
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Moms / Mom Time
Is it possible to be using our children addictively? Anything that we use to get love, avoid pain, and fill up inner emptiness can become an addiction – even our children! If your children are your whole life – if you don’t have a strong spiritual connection with a personal…
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Moms / Mom Time
Mothers of small children are some of the least-rested groups of people around. If you don’t have time to sleep you probably don’t have time to run to the spa and get a professional facial or wrap, and don’t even think about a massage. Instead, let’s look into some easy…
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Moms / Mom Time
Moms everywhere are familiar with the scenario: You’re nursing your child through a bout with a bad cold or stomach flu, knowing all the while that within a few days, you’ll be experiencing the same misery yourself. Before you had children, it was probably fairly easy to avoid catching illnesses;…
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Moms / Mom Time
It’s that time of year where parents gather to watch their children play a friendly sport. At least, that’s what we hope to see out on the playing field; friendliness. However, sometimes it’s not the children playing we have to be concerned about; it’s the parents on the sidelines. The…
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Moms / Mom Time
Imagine you run into a high school friend whom you haven’t seen in 20 years; you hug, you quickly play catch-up and she says; “You haven’t changed a bit!” It’s easy to take that as a compliment, particularly if you were prom queen and head of the cheerleading squad, but…
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