Moms / Mom Tips
From potty training to breaking curfew, kids always find a way to challenge and sometimes completely frustrate their parents. As a mom, how can you cope with the curveballs kids will inevitably throw at you during their 18 years – or more – under your roof? First, gauge yours and…
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Moms / Mom Tips
In the age of texting, e-mail, Facebook and other forms of communication that teens have available, it can be hard for parents to keep up with all those cryptic abbreviations. But your child’s life might depend on you deciphering them. Would you know what “robotripping on DXM” would mean? Or…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Who says it’s not easy being green? Today is Earth Day, a day created to raise awareness when it comes to the environment. Although it was established in 1970, it continues to grow in popularity every year. Initially, Earth Day was only observed in the United States. However, the celebration…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Oww! A scraped knee, a bad bruise, bug bite, splinter or other minor injury can send a child into hysterics. But moms can take quick action to stem the tears and reduce scarring by taking the right measures fast. For the inevitable cuts and scrapes, hold a clean cloth or…
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Moms / Mom Tips
There’s nothing more comforting than having dinner prepared by lunchtime. While it may sound extremely ambitious, it’s actually the work of the oh-so-convenient slow cooker. Anybody who owns a crockpot can attest to the convenience of having the slow cooker do all of the hard work for you. We’ve got…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Tell us the tooth — are you doing everything you need to be doing to ensure proper dental health for your children? With busy schedules, it’s easy to become lax when it comes to your child’s chompers. But remember they only have one set of teeth — well, two if…
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Moms / Mom Tips
They might’ve been excited for the first day of school a couple of months ago, but your kids are probably changing their tune about dragging themselves out of bed and into school each morning right about now. But as a mom, how can you tell if the kids are simply…
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Moms / Mom Tips
The Internet can be a great source of entertainment and education for your kids. Whether you need your child out of your hair for a few minutes to get a meal on the table or your child needs homework help, going online might be a great way to get things…
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Moms / Mom Tips
You think your children are ready to play ball (or any other sport for that matter), but are they really properly prepared? When it comes to playing the field, it’s a matter of safety first. Parents have an obligation to take all of the steps necessary to ensure that their…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Does the thought of shampooing and conditioning your child’s lovely locks make you want to pull your own hair out? The number of children who actually enjoy having their hair washed is few and far between. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make the normally painstaking process more fun. The…
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