Moms / Mom Tips
You may have seen scrapbooks created by grandparents, other parents or simply crafty types that are works of art, or you may have heard of scrapbooking “parties,” where moms learn how to create these works of art for themselves and their families. If the idea of this kind of memory…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning, then it’s the last thing you do at night. No, it’s not brushing your teeth. For many moms, it’s checking their e-mail, social networking pages, blogs, message boards or all of the above. The Internet can be…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Face it. Although decorating for Christmas may be one of your favorite pastimes, there’s little enjoyable about undoing the fruits of your labor. And while your kids love to be in on the action when the decorating is being done, don’t expect the same enthusiasm on the flipside. If you…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It’s not their party, but they can cry if they want to. We’re talking the dreaded odd man out experience where your child isn’t invited to a party or gathering. It can happen to the best of us, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Being left out is never…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It may seem like the ultimate invasion of privacy. We’re talking about putting a tracking device on your child. Although it may seem creepy and over the top for some parents, others feel a sense of security knowing they can keep tabs on their children at all times. A child…
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Moms / Mom Tips
A cookout is a great way to get friends and family together for a delicious meal and lots of fun. But there are a few precautions to take when it comes to keeping kids safe around the grill and in the yard. Before you light the grill, be sure it’s…
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Moms / Mom Tips
They say it’s the happiest place in the world, and surely it makes for a great family vacation. But before you don the mouse ears and take off, there are a few tips and tricks to get the most out of your Disney vacation. First, consider the age of your…
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Moms / Mom Tips
If your child is around the age of 3, then you might contemplate whether or not it’s time to get him into preschool. There are a lot of variables that go into a child’s – and parent’s! – readiness for school. If you’re a stay-at-home mom who’s ready for a…
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Moms / Mom Tips
When you think you might be pregnant, you want to know as soon as possible. So you may do what many women do and run out to the drugstore a few days after the alleged conception to pick up a pregnancy test. But how do you know you’re getting accurate…
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Moms / Mom Tips
During the summer, the familiar refrain of “I’m bored!” might waft through the house every so often, especially when it’s too hot or rainy to go outside. But aside from catering to your child’s every whim and becoming his or her entertainer, what can you do to help them keep…
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