Picnic Gear You’ll Love

Picnic Gear You’ll Love

Moms / Mom Tips

Ever feel like you’re a few sandwiches short of a picnic? While you may have plenty of food, you might be lacking the proper gear to make your picnic a success. In reality, a picnic is whatever you make it. So you can fly by the seat of your pants……

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Are Growth Hormones a Bad Moo-ve?

Are Growth Hormones a Bad Moo-ve?

Moms / Mom Tips

When your child starts drinking milk, you’ll want to ensure that she’s drinking the cream of the crop. With so many types of milk out there, the choices can be confusing. Should you choose cow’s, goat’s, almond, rice, soy? Only you can say what’s right for your family, given any…

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Mix it Up: Teaching Kids about Diversity

Mix it Up: Teaching Kids about Diversity

Moms / Mom Tips

As much as we want to teach kids to be colorblind and oblivious to other people’s differences, kids are wired to notice when people don’t look, act or live the same way they do. Even babies can recognize physical differences in people when they’re shown pictures. But what they’re not…

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Prevent Team Sports Injuries

Prevent Team Sports Injuries

Moms / Mom Tips

As kids grow up, it’s healthy and fun for them to compete in sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball, gymnastics, football and even extreme sports, including mountain biking, BMX and skateboarding. But while all that physical activity is beneficial for growing bodies, there is the chance of getting hurt. Consider…

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Car Seat Guidelines

Car Seat Guidelines

Moms / Mom Tips

You may have heard that the American Academy of Pediatrics revamped its recommendations of when children should begin facing forward in their seats and when they can lose the booster as they get older. Parents have thought for years that their babies could be turned to face forward in their…

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The Tests Every Expecting Mom Needs

The Tests Every Expecting Mom Needs

Moms / Mom Tips

So after taking that one crucial test to see if you’re actually pregnant, you may be wondering what else lies in store during the many prenatal visits you’ll make in the course of nine months. If it’s your first time around, all those pokes and prods may seem unnecessary, but…

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August Is Immunization Awareness Month

August Is Immunization Awareness Month

Moms / Mom Tips

This is the time of year when many children enroll in school or leave the home for college. And with those enrollments come vaccinations, in many cases. The next few months will see doctors’ offices stocking up on flu shots in anticipation for the winter season. The National Institutes of…

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Dos and Don’ts of Carseats and Boosters

Dos and Don’ts of Carseats and Boosters

Moms / Mom Tips

All moms know that the most precious cargo they shuttle around each day in the car is the kids. So keep them safe, whatever age they may be, by getting the right car seat and securing it properly. Full-term newborns can sit in rear-facing convertible or infant car seats. You’ll…

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6 Affordable Ideas for Teacher Gifts

6 Affordable Ideas for Teacher Gifts

Moms / Mom Tips

They teach your children well — so how do you express your gratitude? With the holiday season in full swing, you may feel like you need to buy presents for just about everyone, and your child’s teacher is no exception. The question is: How do you show your appreciation without…

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