Moms / Mom Tips
Sometimes it seems that babies cry for absolutely no reason. You’ve fed, burped, changed and clothed the baby properly. You’ve ruled out illness. And if you have to play that Barney song one more time to get the baby to calm down, then you’re the one who’ll be crying. What…
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Moms / Mom Tips
You may have seen scrapbooks created by grandparents, other parents or simply crafty types that are works of art, or you may have heard of scrapbooking “parties,” where moms learn how to create these works of art for themselves and their families. If the idea of this kind of memory…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Oww! A scraped knee, a bad bruise, bug bite, splinter or other minor injury can send a child into hysterics. But moms can take quick action to stem the tears and reduce scarring by taking the right measures fast. For the inevitable cuts and scrapes, hold a clean cloth or…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It seems like kids lead a carefree life full of play and devoid of the worries we face as adults. But anxiety is on the rise in kids, whether it’s generalized, social or panic attacks. There are a lot of time constraints put on kids these days. Their school days…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Just when you thought it was safe for your child to go into cyberspace. It’s bad enough that children have to deal with being pushed around face to face in school, but apparently the intimidation doesn’t stop there. A growing trend of cyberbullying has parents, students, education professionals and lawmakers…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Team sports are a great way for kids to learn the lessons of teamwork, problem-solving and simply how much fun it is to exercise and get some fresh air. But the example that some sports moms and dads are setting are far from ones that are appropriate. Did you know…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Raising a confident child can be a challenge. While some children have no issues going for what they want, other kids are more reserved and struggle to be assertive. It’s important to note there is a big difference between being assertive and being aggressive. As a parent, you probably want…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Who says it’s not easy being green? Today is Earth Day, a day created to raise awareness when it comes to the environment. Although it was established in 1970, it continues to grow in popularity every year. Initially, Earth Day was only observed in the United States. However, the celebration…
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Moms / Mom Tips
As much as you want Christmas morning to be just right, it rarely goes off without a hitch. There’s always something you’ve forgotten or want to forget. More often than not, the kids are usually dragging you out of bed before daylight. With your eyes barely open, it’s hard to…
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Moms / Mom Tips
The script for what’s healthy eating for kids is constantly being rewritten. Kids today are exposed to more diverse foods than ever, and inevitably, some of the healthiest are being overlooked. Sure, you know to serve those “superfoods” like blueberries, sweet potatoes and yogurt. But there are a few superfoods…
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