Moms / Mom Tips
Whether they’re babies, toddlers or preschoolers, a case of separation anxiety can hit your child – and you – when you least expect it. The screaming fit that can ensue as you walk out of daycare or even just the child’s nursery can send you running back in, but that’s…
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Moms / Mom Tips
More women than ever are the sole caregiver for their children, and that’s really OK. If you’re one of the many single moms out there, then you may worry about whether or not you’re giving your children everything they need – emotionally and in other ways. Experts say not to…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Your child is ready to reach out and touch someone with his or her very own cell phone, which begs the question “how young is too young?” There’s no denying that we’re living in the age of technology where it seems like everyone is connected. Seeing a grade-school child with…
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Moms / Mom Tips
During the summer, the familiar refrain of “I’m bored!” might waft through the house every so often, especially when it’s too hot or rainy to go outside. But aside from catering to your child’s every whim and becoming his or her entertainer, what can you do to help them keep…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Does the thought of bacteria give you the creepy crawlies? Well, you can be harboring this hazardous element in bath toys, toothbrushes, sippy cups and other places. Believe it or not, bacteria can be hiding in places you never thought it would be. Think your bathtub is in the clear?…
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Moms / Mom Tips
There’s nothing worse than a spoiled sport. While you want your child to strive to be the very best, the last thing you want is to raise a child who pitches a fit when something doesn’t go his or her way, especially when it comes to team sports. The name…
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Moms / Mom Tips
One of the greatest values you can instill in your children is teaching them the importance of saving for a rainy day. With the collapse of the housing market and the incredibly high rate of unemployment, many adults, both young and old, found that they hadn’t tucked away enough money…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Is medicine time a royal pain for you? Welcome to the club. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t trained in the medical field. So dispensing meds — whether it’s pain reliever, cough syrup or even eye drops — can become a real hassle. How many times has your little one left…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Taking a vacation with little ones can seem like anything but when kids are pulled out of a familiar environment and familiar rituals. But with a little planning and flexibility, you and your family can have a good time and keep everyone happy and well-rested. The first thing to consider…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Vacation is all you ever wanted — until you’re struggling to keep the children entertained over Christmas break. For the working parents, there’s no better option that sending your kid to the equivalent to winter camp for vacation. You can usually find a program through the city, the YMCA or…
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