Moms / Mom Tips
“Are you listening to me?” How many times have you asked your child that very thing? It may seem like you say things a thousand times, and your child still never hears you. Truth be told, they may be hearing you; they’re just not listening to you. Not sure how…
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Moms / Mom Tips
For many people, traveling during the holidays has become a way of life. With family members spread out everywhere, you’re bound to have to travel. During the holiday season, it’s definitely not for the faint of heart. But there are things you can do to ease the pain and make…
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Moms / Mom Tips
You can’t stand the suggestive lyrics in your tween’s favorite music, but your preschooler’s Wiggles obsession drives you batty. It’s tough to explain to a child terms like “sexy,” “booty” and “hooking up,” but it seems like that (and worse) is all over the airwaves. And if you catch yourself…
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Moms / Mom Tips
If you’re a mom on the go, and your child has outgrown the diaper bag, then you may be stuck in “storage” limbo, without a place to put the various accessories that kids inevitably need. The answer is simply to get smart about what you tote and plan what you…
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Moms / Mom Tips
As if you needed even more tension between you and the in-laws…When kids come along, so does the advice – many times, unwanted – from in-laws and other relatives. How do you keep the peace and adhere to your own child-rearing principles when your pushy relatives have their own ideas…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Going to church, temple or any other service with children can be a real religious experience, especially if your little one has a hard time staying in the spirit of things. No matter how much faith you have in your child, chances are he is going to get bored early…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Tall, short or in between – parents can worry excessively about how their child is growing, and it starts during those first newborn checkups. Pediatricians will expect babies to grow consistently according to the height and weight chart, checking to be sure the two are roughly in the same percentile….
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Moms / Mom Tips
From jackets to lunchboxes to hair clips, does it seem like your child is constantly losing things? Unfortunately, you child’s carelessness can come at a price for you. No matter how angry you get it’s not going to bring the lost item back from whatever abyss it was lost in….
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Moms / Mom Tips
“I look fat.” “My butt is too big.” “My arms look jiggly.” How often do you find yourself complaining about your physical flaws in front of your children? Unless the answer is never, it’s one too many times. By showing that you have a lack of self love to your…
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Moms / Mom Tips
We’ve all heard the old wives’ tale that if food dropped on the ground or other surface is picked up within five seconds that it’s safe to eat. If you have small kids who drop food on a regular basis and stuff it right into their little mouths, then a…
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