Moms / Mom Tips
February is Responsible Pet Owners’ Month, and what better way to train your kids than to put them in charge of man’s best friend? While one of the main goals of this month is to encourage pet owners to spay or neuter their pets, the general theme is to encourage…
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Moms / Mom Tips
When you’re on the go and can’t stop to eat, what can you do to quiet those growling stomachs without having to drive through and pick up unhealthy food? Pack snack bags with good-for-you grub that will allow you to finish what you need to do without making a food…
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Moms / Mom Tips
We’ve all heard the old wives’ tale that if food dropped on the ground or other surface is picked up within five seconds that it’s safe to eat. If you have small kids who drop food on a regular basis and stuff it right into their little mouths, then a…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It may start with your 2-year-old clandestinely pinching his newborn sister…but sibling rivalry can last for years when it goes unchecked. When they’re small, squabbles about toys, personal space and competitions for affection seem to spark rivalry. When a toy dispute arises, resist the urge to intervene every time. Siblings…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Smartphones seem to make most aspects of life easier and more entertaining. So why not use them to help you out with your most important job – parenting? You already know that some apps keep your kids entertained while you’re running errands or in the car. But a few apps…
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Moms / Mom Tips
What’s not to love about Valentine’s Day? Plenty, if you don’t get your act together for this favorite pastime. For kids, there’s nothing grander than exchanging those traditional Valentines with classmates, friends and family. And face it, you don’t really have an excuse for not being prepared. From card stores…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Pop Pop. Mom Mom. Papa. Nana. Grandpa. Grandma. They go by many different names, but their role is always the same – to spoil their grandchildren with hugs, kisses and everything in between. Every year, Grandparents Day falls on the first Sunday after Labor Day. When Marian McQuade founded National…
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Moms / Mom Tips
More women than ever are the sole caregiver for their children, and that’s really OK. If you’re one of the many single moms out there, then you may worry about whether or not you’re giving your children everything they need – emotionally and in other ways. Experts say not to…
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Moms / Mom Tips
For every action there is a reaction. We’re talking about consequences, and it’s an important lesson kids should learn in life sooner rather than later. It goes without saying that you want children to learn the consequences for their actions, especially when those actions aren’t appropriate. Ann Douglas, author of…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house these days tends to be a longer haul for families who have to fly to see relatives. So what’s a family to do when the inevitable happens on one of those trips? Being stranded in an airport during an extra-long…
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