Moms / Mom Tips
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house these days tends to be a longer haul for families who have to fly to see relatives. So what’s a family to do when the inevitable happens on one of those trips? Being stranded in an airport during an extra-long…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Sticks and stones will break their bones, but names will never hurt them, right? Think again. Bullying has been around as long as kids have, but with the introduction of different forms of communication, it’s risen to alarming levels. The implications of bullying and being bullied have grown more serious,…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Peanuts, dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, sulfites…many foods contain potential allergenic products. And up to 8 percent of kids have life-threatening food allergies, and those limitations can become problematic as kids enter school or change schools. But parents and administrators can keep all kids safe and happy as they deal with…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Believe it or not, your kids have probably been saving up their mischief all year long to prepare for the annual April Fool’s Day fun. There’s nothing new about this holiday created back in the 16th century, except maybe the way you celebrate it. For children, April Fool’s Day provides…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Will he or won’t he? That is the question. February 2 marks Groundhog Day. Should Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow, we can expect another six weeks of winter. Provided he doesn’t see his shadow, pack up those jackets and prepare to welcome the warm weather of spring. Although it’s not…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Your kids are clamoring for an allowance, and what better way to allow them to earn one than with regular chores? Contributing to the workload around the house benefits the entire family. Completing chores boosts children’s self esteem by making them feel like a valued part of the team. Chores…
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Moms / Mom Tips
What better way to get your child to eat her vegetables than have her grow them herself? When kids take an interest in gardening, they’re looped into the process it takes to get produce to grow from seeds and ultimately end up on their plates. For toddlers and preschoolers, it’s…
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Moms / Mom Tips
From potty training to breaking curfew, kids always find a way to challenge and sometimes completely frustrate their parents. As a mom, how can you cope with the curveballs kids will inevitably throw at you during their 18 years – or more – under your roof? First, gauge yours and…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Pop Pop. Mom Mom. Papa. Nana. Grandpa. Grandma. They go by many different names, but their role is always the same – to spoil their grandchildren with hugs, kisses and everything in between. Every year, Grandparents Day falls on the first Sunday after Labor Day. When Marian McQuade founded National…
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Moms / Mom Tips
When we were children, it felt like we had the weight of the world on our shoulders with those overstocked backpacks. But not anymore. Parents, school officials and medical professionals have wised up to the potential health hazards of packing those backs too much. Hence, the ever-growing popularity of backpacks…
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