What’s Hiding in Your Kid’s Food?

What’s Hiding in Your Kid’s Food?

Moms / Mom Tips

Are your kids getting more than the vitamins and minerals they need in their food? Likely so, if they eat a lot of processed, packaged food. Some of the most common food additives can have some pretty unsavory side effects, so it’s a good idea to check labels before buying…

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Nice and Slow-Cooked: Easy Crockpot Ideas

Nice and Slow-Cooked: Easy Crockpot Ideas

Moms / Mom Tips

There’s nothing more comforting than having dinner prepared by lunchtime. While it may sound extremely ambitious, it’s actually the work of the oh-so-convenient slow cooker. Anybody who owns a crockpot can attest to the convenience of having the slow cooker do all of the hard work for you. We’ve got…

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Kids Have Stress, Too!

Kids Have Stress, Too!

Moms / Mom Tips

They may not wring their hands, yell or furrow their brows, but kids do experience stress, just like adults. Childhood may not be one big picnic for all kids, all the time. And just like adults, kids need healthy ways to relieve stress and relax. A calm, stable and reliable…

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Five Veggies and Fruits a Day

Five Veggies and Fruits a Day

Moms / Mom Tips

Face it – getting your kids to veg out is no easy feat. And force-feeding them fruits isn’t much simpler. The fact remains, no matter how difficult the task may be, every member of your family should be getting their five a day. The Center for Disease Control recommends that…

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Sitting Pretty: Best Ways to Take a Great Holiday Photo

Sitting Pretty: Best Ways to Take a Great Holiday Photo

Moms / Mom Tips

For many parents, the family holiday picture is the nightmare before Christmas. But with a few smart strategies, it’s not impossible to get that perfect shot for gifts or cards. Digital cameras have made getting the perfect shot super-simple, especially if you’re a do-it-yourselfer. Consider using a good candid shot…

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Have a Fabulous, Frugal Father’s Day

Have a Fabulous, Frugal Father’s Day

Moms / Mom Tips

With gas and food prices soaring, you’ve got to save a buck wherever you can. And Father’s Day is no exception. While you may be inclined to go out and blow a bunch of money on the special day, it’s the affordable gifts from the heart that will likely mean…

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June Is National Child Safety Awareness Month

June Is National Child Safety Awareness Month

Moms / Mom Tips

For most parents, the days of letting their kids run around the neighborhood from sunup to sundown went out with the lax attitude about bike helmets. These days, summer is all about structure for most kids. Whether it’s camp, daycare, summer school or other activity, it’s important for kids to…

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3 Homemade Christmas Ornaments

3 Homemade Christmas Ornaments

Moms / Mom Tips

Look at just about any Christmas tree, and the most eye-catching ornaments are usually the ones made from scratch. You don’t have to spend a fortune on those store-bought ornaments to make your tree stand out. In fact, you can create some awesome ornaments from scratch right in the comfort…

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Common Car Seat Mistakes

Common Car Seat Mistakes

Moms / Mom Tips

You want your child to be as safe as possible when you travel – all parents do. But when installing a car seat, whether it’s for an infant, toddler or bigger kid, many parents make some common mistakes that could cost the child his life. First, start by choosing the…

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